Latest Fishing Reports: Northumberland
Fishing Report by grahame elliott
on Serenity (Amble, Northumberland)
Feb 2012 by grahame elliott
Report on-board Serenity
We are running a Heaviest fish from the hard ground competition for 2012 with a £250 prize I will post results weekly .for full details go to
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Fishing Report by Dave Builth
on Upholder (Amble, Northumberland)
3 Jul 2011 by Dave Builth
Report on-board Upholder
July Catch Report
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Weekend 2nd/3rd
The Southend SAC from Carlisle had 56 mainly Cod and Ling to take home between eight anglers,
Things were a bit slow on Saturday the best method seemed to be Storm Shads fished on a flowing trace.
Chris Hulme fished the shad most of the day and changed to baited traces and bagged himself a 12lb and 7lb Cod off the wrecks his pal Alan Bloomfield had the best Pollack of 8lb off the same wreck (see photos) -
Fishing Report by Dave Builth
on Upholder (Amble, Northumberland)
Jul 2011 by Dave Builth
Report on-board Upholder
June Catch Report,
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June got off to a windy start with winds of 20mph from the West and swinging round to the North and
Northeast for the weekend.
Thursday the 2nd was the best day so far this year and gave us a chance to try the wrecks,
Fishing was steady with the best of the Codlings being around the 9lb mark, 89 in total between 9 anglers, the best fish of the day was caught by Peter Downs a 6lb Wolf fish or Catfish if you prefer which Peter returned alive.
The Mackerel are so prolific that anglers are having trouble getting past them to get on the wrecks, any small
traces such as daylights and hokkis are ineffective unless they are heavily baited with Mackerel or squid strips to get past the Mackerel. Shads fished on a flowing trace, have also fished well.
Tuesday 7th
With the wind to increase from the southeast in the afternoon we tried the wrecks first thing.
Best fish was caught by was caught by Paul Nichol he had a Cod well over 10lb and a Ling over 12lb and to finish off the day he caught a 13lb Cod off the hard ground (see photos)
Weekend 11th and 12th
With winter like conditions 8 mph Northerly and 8 degrees temp the Apton SAC braved the conditions and managed to catch 10 Codlings apiece between 3lb to 5lb being the best.
On the Sunday the weather moderated for the Currock SAC from Carlisle who fished the wrecks, the quantity of fish was not as good as the ground fishing but they were a better stamp of fish, the best fish was a Ling 8.3/4 lb caught by Doug Hutchinson followed by Mal Walker with an 8 lb Ling best Codling was caught by Graham Proud and weighed 71/2 lb (see photo).
Weekend 18th and 19th
The Dalston SAC fished the hard ground and a few wrecks the best fish was a Pollack of 7 ½ lb caught by
Les McVity and his brother had three codlings on the same trace for a total of 13lb (see photos).
Weekend 25th And 26th
The Maggie Mays SAC from Carlisle had a good days fishing on the ground South of Coquet Island
With all the anglers having !0 codlings apiece to take home all caught on mostly cooked prawns.
On the 26th Angling correspondent Phill Williams from Boat Angler joined Steven Muir and his party.
Phill was compiling an article for the magazine about Amble and after a slow start the fish started to feed on the wrecks on the turn of the tide, there were some decent cod around the 5lb to 7lb and a few ling to around 7lb.There were quite a few small ling returned to get the fish down the bladders are popped as to whether they survive is unknown. Total catch was around 70 cod and ling for the boat.
The Alcan Lads and friends wanted to fish the wrecks after their last productive trip on the hard ground.
The best Codling was 9lb caught by Chris Charlton and the best ling was 8 ½ lb caught by Allan Dodds,
Darren Balls had a couple of nice Ling around the 7 ½ total catch for the day was 64 cod and Ling.
(see photos).
To sum up June 2011, the hard ground has out fished the wrecks with the best Cod of 13lb being caught by
Paul Nichol.
There have been quite a few 10lb cod off the hard ground but the usual stamp o
The wrecks have produced the average bigger size fish between 5lb to 7lb with the average of 5 to 7 fish to keep per person. The wreck fish have been nowhere near as clean and fresh as the ground fish and some of the wreck fish have been covered in red sores. -
Fishing Report by Dave Builth
on Upholder (Amble, Northumberland)
4 May 2011 by Dave Builth
Report on-board Upholder
May Catch Report
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May 4th/ 5th
Fishing was patchy due to the unsettled weather and a South East swell and it took a few days
To settle down at best there were only 3 or 4 Codlings kept per Angler which has Knocked the average per rod down.
May 6th
The NEDL Sea Angling Club fished a points competition catch and release one point per fish catch and release, of course there were a few fish taken for the freezer about 50 between 10 anglers to be precise.
In total there were 133 codlings caught all on prawns and squid fished on traces.
Top Angler John Mathews 25 Codlings
2nd Danny Gilhome 19 Codlings
3rd Kev Garside 17 Codlings
4th Dave Rudick 15 Codlings two of which were over 6lb
Biggest Fish was 8.5lb caught by Michael Clinton (See Photo)
May 7th/8th Cancelled Due to southeast winds force 4 to 5 occasionally force 6
May 13th
Alcan SAC had a trip organised by Alan Haddaway , 10 anglers had a total of 150 codlings to
Keep with Jim Bamburgh catching a total of 27 codlings. The average weight of the codlings was
2.5lb to 4lb, with loads of fish being returned around the 2lb mark.
May 14th
The Southend SAC from Carlisle had 93 codlings to take home with the biggest codling was caught by Stew Chardler and weighed in at 6lb.
May 15th
A party of 10 anglers mainly from the Dalston SAC had 83 codlings to keep the biggest was caught by Winston Collings and weighed 7.5lb, Les McVity had the second biggest codling at 7lb.
All in all Codlings have been plentiful and the average to keep per angler is around 10 per head with no need to travel any distance, all the fish were caught in shallow water, mainly on Prawns and squid fished on Daylights and Hokkis.
The odd Mackerel has been caught with 12 being caught last Wednesday the 18th of May.
Fishing Report by grahame elliott
on Serenity (Amble, Northumberland)
11 May 2011 by grahame elliott
Report on-board Serenity
Got a trip together yesterday 11th May left harbour at 7.00 and headed down towards first mark picked up a few keepers then steamed for Cresswell first drift produced a ling and a few more cod another drift at the change of tide and more fish over the side and a better size too so did another couple more the same mark. Steamed back north and two more drops producing only 2 0r three Cod and a couple of Wrass....steamed in to beat the tide.................Total keepers for the day 120 best fish Ray Hogg from Ellington. Now waiting on the wind to drop P...L..E..A..S...E.....................
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Fishing Report by Dave Builth
on Upholder (Amble, Northumberland)
5 Apr 2011 by Dave Builth
Report on-board Upholder
Catch report April 2011
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So far 2011 is off to a good start with the first of the codling’s being caught on the 7th of April which is nearly three weeks earlier than normal.
The first of the codling’s were clean fresh fish, most of the fish being returned due to the fish being thin and out of condition but there were 20 codlings kept between 4 anglers best was around the 4lbto 5lb mark.
April the 9th
Southend SAC from Carlisle had 72 codling’s to keep between 8 anglers and as usual only kept only the best of the fish was kept with nothing being taken under 16 inches and the best Codling being around the 5.5lb to 6lb mark.
Thursday April 21st
A party of 10 anglers made up of individuals caught a total of 104 codlings, as usual nothing was kept under 16inches or 2.5 lb. and the best of the fish were around the 6lb mark.
Without doubt the best bait has been cooked prawns and squid strips fished on Daylites and Hokki’s ,
Good sport was to be had on Shads fished on light tackle.
Saturday April 22nd,
Steven Muir and his group of lads from Gretna area had 74 codlings for 8 anglers and
Local angler Martin Woods had the best codling at 6.5lb (see photos).
Saturday 23rd,
Maggie Mays SAC from Carlisle kept 107 codlings with countless smaller fish being returned,
The quality of the fish has improved and the average size is around 3lb to 4lb mark with still nothing over
Sunday 24th,
Alan Haggon and the Port of Leith SAC kept 85 Codlings most of which were caught on
Fresh dug Lug worm fished on light tackle.
To sum up April the fishing started early this year with fish being caught in late March/early April this being
Due to the very mild April and the spring starting early but we did have to cancel trips in late April Due to strong East to South East winds.
All in all the fishing has been very good and has fished more like June than April with the average catch per angler around 10 codling to keep mostly caught on Squid Strip And Prawns fished on traces.
The water has be very clear and the bloom in the water cleared early this year. -
Fishing Report by Dave Builth
on Upholder (Amble, Northumberland)
Aug 2010 by Dave Builth
Report on-board Upholder
August Report
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August has started well with some excellent fish being taken from both the ground and wrecks.
Phill Dollan had three nice fish, a codling of 8.5lb and two Pollock around the 6lb and 7lb mark on daylights baited with mackerel strip off of the ground.
Dan Corford had a codling of 8.5lb and a ling of 12lb,not massive fish but still a good size fish for hard ground fishing.
The Dalston SAC from Carlisle area chartered the boat, the weather was perfect for fishing the wrecks, tried the inshore wrecks which produced the normal small ling and just a few codlings so it was decided to try the wrecks a bit further off.
The extra distance paid dividends as it was not long before the first double figure ling of just under16lb came
Over the side.
Mally Walker was delighted as the biggest ling of the day was around the 6lb to 8lb mark so he thought the sweep for the day was in the bag and his 16lb ling was unbeatable.
With the conditions being perfect it wasn’t long before John Rea was into a big fish which turned out to be a 21lb ling which took two pouting fillets fished on a flowing trace.
So August is off to a good start with some good quality fish being caught off of the ground and wrecks in the first week. -
Fishing Report by Dave Builth
on Upholder (Amble, Northumberland)
19 May 2010 by Dave Builth
Report on-board Upholder
The second half of May has produced some good catches with anglers going away with on average 10 codlings to keep between 2lb to 5lb.
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Jim Cobain’s party had a nice wrasse around the 4lb mark and 40 odd codlings to take home to Halifax.
The following day a Michael French’s party 70 codlings to take home and a Catfish around about 5lb.
The wrecks have started fishing early this year, regular angler Dennis miller had a nice Pollack of 10.5 lb
Off the wrecks south of Amble, the Pollack took a yellow and golden shad fished on along flowing trace and was returned to fight another day.
Dave Bagnell had a really good condition ling of 9lb which took a strip of Mackerel.
Greg Robson caught a 9lb Pollack on a green shad fished slowly above the wreck, he said that it was the best fighting fish he had ever caught. They also had on average 10 codlings apiece to keep the -
Fishing Report by Dave Builth
on Upholder (Amble, Northumberland)
May 2010 by Dave Builth
Report on-board Upholder
Fishing was poor in April mainly due to the water being dirty with an abundance of algae, on the occasions the water did clear, there were a few Codlings caught.
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The very first Codling was caught by Dennis Miller on the 13th of April weighting around 2lb and would have been returned but was damaged when it was deep hooked on prawns and Squid.
Colin Chandler had 3 or 4 small codlings to keep on the same trip.
As usual with April fishing, if the weather is settled the first of the Codlings normally show at the back end of the month. On the 24th of April a party of six anglers from Carlisle had 16 codlings to keep with quite a few small size codlings being returned, they also had wrasse, pouting and a few coalies for a bit of sport.
The best day in April was the 29th when six anglers had 30 codlings to keep between them,
The best fish of 9lb was caught by Jim Tate on lug worm, when the fish was gutted it had one of the other anglers Lee Builtcliffe’s hook baited with peeler crab in its stomach, A little disappointing but Lee still manage to go away with 6 decent codlings to keep between 3lb to 5lb.
No boats went anywhere from Amble the first two weekends in May due to the Northerly winds. With snow still lying on the Cheviot and a frost all over the Northeast the first trip out in May was the 12th.
The six anglers that were out managed to catch on average 8 to 9 codlings to keep apiece all between
3lb to 5lb with all the smaller fish being returned.
The best bait being fresh dug lug worm also prawns and squid fished on daylights and hokkis.
With the weather forecast looking good for the weekend there should be some decent catches to report for the second half of May.