Latest Fishing Reports: Merseyside
Fishing Report by Gary Flint
on Discovery (Liverpool, Merseyside)
7 Jul 2017 by Gary Flint
Report on-board Discovery
Fishing Report by Karlton Ward
on Wave Dancer (Liverpool, Merseyside)
4 Jul 2017 by Karlton Ward
Report on-board Wave Dancer
FINALLY the wind (we thought) had dropped so we were off to sea. We dropped the hook surrounded by charter boats. We settled into a mackerel fest with over 30 caught by me alone. Doggies and hounds landed along with a few surprises including the scary weaver fish with his poisonous spine and a type gurnard. With the wind and swell getting up we went for some protection from the wind and to look for some smoothies and tope. It was like a tope nursery with tope pups into double figures caught. Doggies,small rays,whiting and a nice 6lb smooth hound caught by the skipper. Fish of the day was definitely a 10.3lb smoothound caught my me.
sailing times this week:
Thursday 08:20-12:00 or 11:30-20:30 10 spaces available
Friday 09:00-13:00 or 12:30- 21-00 10 spaces available
Saturday 09:30-13:30 or 13:00-21:45 8 spaces available
Sunday 10:10-14:15 or 14:00-22:30 the four hour trip has 5 spaces available and the 8 hour trip 10 spaces available.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Karlton Ward
on Wave Dancer (Liverpool, Merseyside)
2 Jul 2017 by Karlton Ward
Report on-board Wave Dancer
Only a small group today again held in the river by the wind. The rays didn't disappoint again plenty making the lines go tight. The wind again was kind so off we went to catch doggies,rays,whiting,flatties,smooth hound, tope
sailing times this week:
Thursday 08:20-12:00 or 11:30-20:30 10 spaces available
Friday 09:00-13:00 or 12:30- 21-00 10 spaces available
Saturday 09:30-13:30 or 13:00-21:45 8 spaces available
Sunday 10:10-14:15 or 14:00-22:30 the four hour trip has 5 spaces available and the 8 hour trip 10 spaces available.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Karlton Ward
on Wave Dancer (Liverpool, Merseyside)
1 Jul 2017 by Karlton Ward
Report on-board Wave Dancer
Some new and old faces on board today for a windy trip out on the river. As ever plenty of rays a few whiting and a nice beautiful newly arrived 4.5lb cod. As the wind dropped we took a short trip out of the river to find doggies,flatties,rays and some small tope. A steady day with over 60 fish.
sailing times this week:
Thursday 08:20-12:00 or 11:30-20:30 10 spaces available
Friday 09:00-13:00 or 12:30- 21-00 10 spaces available
Saturday 09:30-13:30 or 13:00-21:45 8 spaces available
Sunday 10:10-14:15 or 14:00-22:30 the four hour trip has 5 spaces available and the 8 hour trip 10 spaces available.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Karlton Ward
on Wave Dancer (Liverpool, Merseyside)
18 Jun 2017 by Karlton Ward
Report on-board Wave Dancer
Sunday only five of us went ray bashing and we're not disappointed catching 20 in the first 2 hours. We also caught cod and whiting.
We pulled the hook after a great start and 33 fish and took a short steam to the next spot which got off to a quick start. A decent doggie landed 5 minutes in with a steady stream of doggies to follow. Hounds and flatties everywhere. Another decent day with 63 caught and the biggest fish cash prize went to the skipper with 6.5lb thornback ray.
All 8 hour trips through July £45 including rod. Full day boat hire £400. Contact Chris if you require bait.
4 hour trips available on request.
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16th 5 spaces for a 3 hour trip (£20)
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Fishing Report by Karlton Ward
on Wave Dancer (Liverpool, Merseyside)
18 Jun 2017 by Karlton Ward
Report on-board Wave Dancer
What an amazing weekends fishing
the boys from the jaguar plant started the weekend off with a bang catching TWELVE different species bagging a total of 96.
With the sun shining, the wind non existent, and the sea like glass we dropped anchor at the first mark and it didn't disappoint. We obviously caught doggies, we also caught bull hus,smoothies,tope,plaice,dabs,tub gurnard,starry smoothies,whiting, and thorn back rays.
Following an amazing morning we pulled the hook and steamed to hunt for mackerel. Once we had shaken off the seal following the boat we dropped anchor and settled into an afternoon of steady tight lines with everything we had caught earlier and a first for wave dancer a herring was landed. Mackerel were caught all around the boat including 14 year old josh who had told the skipper he had never fished for mackerel before as he pulled in a string of three followed by four more on his next cast. I think he is hooked now as he kept asking his dad when he could go for mackerel again.
Just to top the day off porpoises were spotted on our way home in Liverpool bay.
The biggest fish cash prize went to Alex who caught a 9.5lb bull hus.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Karlton Ward
on Wave Dancer (Liverpool, Merseyside)
4 Jun 2017 by Karlton Ward
Report on-board Wave Dancer
Sunday 4th WHAT A DAY probably my best days fishing so far. We started slowly with one 5lb ray in the first hour. The following 3 hours was the most prolific ray fest I have ever had,56 rays were caught from 1lb babies to the biggest 7.6lb and 1 whiting. We asked the anglers if they fancied a move and go for some smoothies, reluctantly they agreed so on we steamed. At he next mark the inevitable dog fish was soon caught followed by a 3.5lb smooth hound and his bigger brother at 7.5lb. Next on board we had a 4lb tope and a small plaice, a steady precession of smoothies,tope and starry smooth hounds followed. We caught 53 fish caught and the day at an end. As we called the day and the anglers were reeling in there lines we were all working out who had won the cash prize for first,most and biggest when jimmy shouted fish on. As the biggest fish winner I waited to see what had made his line go tight when mick also shouted fish on. After a small fight Mick landed his 5lb tope which worried me as jimmy was still fighting his fish. Following a decent fight Jimmy shouted for the net. As my heart sank he hoisted a 10.4lb starry smooth hound. What a great way to end a fantastic days fishing. Well done jimmy for not only landing a magnificent starry smooth hound but also snatching the biggest fish prize for the day.
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Fishing Report by Karlton Ward
on Wave Dancer (Liverpool, Merseyside)
3 Jun 2017 by Karlton Ward
Report on-board Wave Dancer
Saturday 3rd went on a doggie hunt for this trip and we were not disappointed. Out the Irish Sea in what can only be described as a rollercoaster of a start due to big winds and rolling sea.
First doggie on board in under 10 minutes followed by 50 more in over three hours, we also caught lots of herring,flatties and a couple of whiting.
We pulled the hook and went for some shelter from the wind for the second half of the trip and found tope, smoithies and a couple of small rays.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Gary Flint
on Discovery (Liverpool, Merseyside)
4 Jun 2017 by Gary Flint
Report on-board Discovery
04.06.17 We Welcomed Linas and his pals aboard to day.the trip was booked as a offshore trip
unfortunately the wind came up when we had travelled 20 miles out so we turned back and fished the banks.
We had Smooth hounds to 9 lbs and plenty of Thornback rays ,Whiting ,Dabs but no Bass the Lads obviously liked the trip off shore as they have re booked again.
Many thanks Linas to you and your Friends see you in the Winter.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Gary Flint
on Discovery (Liverpool, Merseyside)
3 Jun 2017 by Gary Flint
Report on-board Discovery
03.06.17 Larris trip.
We met on the Marina Carpark earlier than expected,which enabled us to set of early. Today our target was 25 miles from the marina ,We where looking for Bull huss and other Species. we stopped for Mackerel on the way it was a bit lumpy heading out but we drove trough it into calm water.
we managed Bull huss to 14lbs 10oz Thornback Ray to 10lbs 8 oz we had 13 species of fish today which include plenty of Mackereland Herrings the weather was great so everybody was happy and booked again for another trip, Thanks lads for the good company GaryView Boats Page