Latest Fishing Reports: South West
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Oct 2012 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
OCTOBER 2012 - Melvin Murfitt age 68 from Peterborough landed his first ever Brill on the first drift of a Flatty fishing session,and what a fish to start with,Melvins Brill weighed in at 8Ib 6oz.Melvin was using 10Ib class tackle with a flowing trace and a 4/0 hook baited with a strip of Mackerel cut up for him by yours truly the skipper.Happy Melvin is pictured with his Personal Best Brill.
The NEXT FLATTY Trips on FLAMER IV with places available are on October 29th and November 5th.DON'T MISS OUT - Book your Place/s now.
I am Also taking bookings for 2013.
As always Thankyou for your support.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Ross Parham
on Spot On! (Brixham, Devon)
Oct 2012 by Ross Parham
Report on-board Spot On!
It has been a while since the weather has allowed Spot On! to get out over the weekends.
Weather was fair to say fresh with westerly force 4/5.
The day was slow and we had to search around the wrecks finding pollock and loads of pout and eventualy some bass.
All in all a hard days work but worth while in the end after finding the fish we went searching for.
Spot On! is now taking bookings for 2013 and starting channel island trips, 3,4,5 day trips available.View Boats Page
Mon 09/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp 5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.View details Tue 10/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp 5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.View details Wed 11/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp 5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.View details Thu 12/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp 5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.View details Fri 13/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp 5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.View details -
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Oct 2012 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
OCTOBER 2012 - Jon Trevett age 27 from Warminster,Wiltshire was overjoyed when he landed his Personal Best Plaice weighing 6Ib 2oz.John's previous Personal Best was 3Ib 11oz.John was using 8Ib class tackle with a trace that had lots of coloured attracter beads on.The successful bait was two prawns and a strip of Ammo squid.
Happy John is pictured with his 6Ib 2oz new PB Plaice.Johgn said "the next time he beats his Plaice Personal Best he will return the fish alive".
FLAMER IV for FLATTY'S - The next trip with places available is on October 29th and is a 10 hour Flatty Trip (must have own tackle).DON'T MISS OUT.
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Oct 2012 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
OCTOBER 2012 - Andy Wheal from Kent broke his Personal Best Plaice record three times during the same trip aboard FLAMER IV.Andy caught PB plaice weighing 5Ib,5Ib 2oz and 6Ib.Andy was using 8Ib class tackle with a trace that had lots of coloured attractor beads on.The successful bait was ragworm tipped with a strip of Ammo squid.Andy is pictured with his 6Ib Personal Best P.laice.
FLATTY TRIP - their are places on Flamer IV on October 29th. "DON'T MISS OUT".View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Roger Phillips
on Che Sara Sara (Newquay, Cornwall)
7 Oct 2012 by Roger Phillips
Report on-board Che Sara Sara
Had a break in the weather and travelled abit further out than normal, well worth the effort as several nice pollock were landed as well as a few ling. Filming by Dave the skipper will be posted on here shortly.Thanks Dave twas a proper day.
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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
1 Oct 2012 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
SEPTEMBER 2012 - during September the flatty fishing cointinued to be good along with lots of other species ie Bream,Cod,Rays,Bull Huss etc.53 different species have been caught on Flamer IV this year with the latest two being a Cuckoo Ray which was a Flamer first and a John Dory. Flamer Fish of the Month for September was awarded to John Pattan for his 7Ib 8oz Plaice(pictured) which he returned alive.
A variety of trips are on offere during the Autumn and early Winter months so Don't Miss Out - Book your Place/s and Trip/s.2013 - I am Now Taking Bookings.
INDIVIDUALS - I do lots of dates/trips for individuals, so check out my schedule page.
Thanks for your support and I look forward to hearing froim you and seeing you soon.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Sep 2012 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
September 2012 - During each year I keep a count of the different species caught on Flamer IV.At present during 2012, 52 different species have been caught on Flamer IV.The latest a John Dory caught by Kevin Buchan from Scotland( pictured).The Flamer record is 61 different species caught in one year.If you like catching different and sometimes unusual fish then Weymouth is the place to come.I do special trips for Species Hunts and Competitions which are great fun and it's not unusual to catch 20 plus species on a trip.Give me a call if you are interested in doing this.
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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Sep 2012 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Pat Trenchard age 47 From Somerset and a member of Wells SAC has struggled to catch a big Plaice for years and his last trip was no different until the last drift of the day when like buses - "Nothing" then two come along at once.Pat hooked an amazing double shot of big Plaice weighing 11Ib 11oz with two Plaice weighing in at 5Ib 15oz and 5Ib 12oz.This did stop the mickey taking that Pat had endured for most of the day.To say Pat was overjoyed with his big Plaice double would be an understatement."Well done Pat for not giving up".Pat was using 10Ib class tackle with a two hook trace with size 2/0 hooks,the trace had lots of green and yellow attractor beads on.The successful bait was ragworm and strips of Ammo squid.Pat is pictured with his amazing double shot of Plaice.Pat's double shot is a new Flamer IV record beating Colin Jones who had a double shot of Plaice Weiging 11Ib 2oz.
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Sep 2012 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
John Patten age 45 from Barnstable,Devon broke his Personal Best Plaice record twice in two drifts.John landed a 6Ib 8oz Plaice and then landed a Whopping 7Ib 8oz Plaice.Both fish were weighed,photographed and returned alive.Earlier on the same trip John caught and released 4Ib 8oz and 5Ib Plaice.John was using an 8Ib class Shakespeare rod,size 2/0 Sakuma hooks on a two hook flatty trace that had lots of coloured beads on.The successful bait was a comnbination of ragworm and Ammo black lugworm and squid strips.John is pictured with 7Ib 8oz Plaice.
October 5th is the next Flatty date on Flamer IV with place/s available.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Sep 2012 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Ian Slater and three friends from Cheshire joined Flamer IV for two days fishing and caught several different species while fishing Reefs and Banks it also included a fantastic session of Plaice fishing.They landed several Plaice including three 5Ib plus fish which were all released alive.Ian landed his Personal best Plaice weighing 5Ib 8oz.Ian was using 10Ib class tackle with a one hook plaice treace that had lots of coloured attractor beads on.The successful bait was ragworm and Ammo squid strip.Ian is pictured with his PB Plaice which was returned alive after being weighed and photographed.
LOOK - RThe next Flatty Trip on FLAMER IV with places available is on October 5th.DON'T MISS OUT.View Boats Page