Latest Fishing Reports: South West
Fishing Report by Lyle Stantiford
on Supanova II (Weymouth, Dorset)
28 May 2011 by Lyle Stantiford
Report on-board Supanova II
A while since the last report ladies and gents! My apologies!
April and May have proved fantastic for the flatty's as i'm sure you will see on my Gallery!!
Plaice catches were consistently in the 20's although not the number of larger fish as previous years but still great fun on the light gear. The Shambles has fished fantastically for Turbot with catches regularly into double figures on both numbers and Size. Best this month was a cracking 20lb'er captured by Nigel Daw from Bristol (pictured).
The wrecks have provided some fantastic sport for all anglers venturing out. There are plenty of Cod around now. MOstly in the 4-8lb range but most days are seeing a fist full of doubles come to the net with the odd cracker topping 20lb's.
Once again thank you all for spending that hard earned money in Weymouth and supporting the Weymouth fleet!
Tight lines,
LyleView Boats Page
Fishing Report by Alex kweller
on Predator (Poole, Dorset)
21 May 2011 by Alex kweller
Report on-board Predator
On a recent bream trip a lucky angler smashed the boat record for a spotted ray!! Fed up of catching bream Oz, from High Wycombe, decided to try a mackerel fillet tipped with a squid head. After seeing his friend Mark land a nice small eyed ray he watched his rod tip with renewed viggor! Sure enough 10 minutes before lines up his rod bent into a good fish. After lots of jeering from his colleages I safely slipped the net under what I new was a cracking spotted ray. After a quick photo the fish was weighed at 5lbs 6oz. The fish was returned and swam confidentally back down to where she came.
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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
23 May 2011 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
MAY 2011 - The flatty fishing has just been brill.Excellent catches of Turbot have been made with plenty of double figure fish being caught on mackerel and launce fillet baits.Robin Amor deserves a mention as he was getting frustrated at not catching a Turbot and seeing the other anglers on board Flamer IV catching a few that he got an Ammo mackerel cut off the fillets and baited up with the head and frame, with in two minutes had hooked his personal best turbot weighing 17Ib.Funny old game this fishing.Robin is pictured with his PB Turbot.The Brill have now started to put in an appearance.The plaice fishing has been good with plenty being caught with the most recent best one weighing in at 5Ib 12oz caught by Richard Paul.
The flatty fishing will continue right in to the late Autumn and early winter months,So Don't Miss Out.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Trevor Small
on Rocket (Poole, Dorset)
29 Apr 2011 by Trevor Small
Report on-board Rocket
Fishing during May has seen good catches of Bream and also a variety of rays. Venturing offshore,Rocket has returned with some fine pollack @ 16lbs and Cod @ 18lb from the famed brittle star grounds. We are looking forward to June ,when we focus on huge hauls of Cod and Pollack from wrecks and reefs mid channel. Anyone that fishes with us will know that our wish is a 100lb Conger eel. We have come close with an 87lb,just another 13lb and its in the bag! Lets hope 2011 is the year.
ps We have just had contact with the first shark of the year. Whilst drifting a wreck,Tim Lewis from Birmingham hooked a Cod and whilst reeling in became a Porbeagle victim leaving only the head as a souvenir...bad luck
Kind regards Trevor
Rocket 01202 887010View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Sue Smith
on Bluefin (Ilfracombe, Devon)
29 Apr 2011 by Sue Smith
Report on-board Bluefin
Fishing Trip, Friday 29th April
Brilliant weather, primarily an Easterly wind starting off at 20+ knots but soon dying down to a pleasant 12knots for the rest of the day, mostly sunny and warm.
Good crowd of “Lads” from Barnstable for the day, with a couple of Sea Fishing First Timers. To give everyone a taster and to get the new lads into “the zone” while waiting for the tide to ease in the offshore marks and to get the day going had a go at dog-fishing. The obliging doggies did not disappoint, after feeding them on some prime herring and mackerel baits for what seemed a micro second, there were a steady stream of the kennel club members flopping onto the deck. No doggies were hurt during this performance, all returned to their respective kennels to fight another day!
After nearly an hour we set off to the rough ground offshore mark approximately 8 to 9 miles out of Ilfracombe; close to the one fished the previous Saturday, in the hope of hooking up to a couple of Spur Dogs. After setting anchor in a bit of a lively sea and beam on to boot lol! The results were initially surprising! Not a doggie in site but what seemed an endless supply of their close relatives Bull Huss! I think all of the lads caught Huss with one or two being quite good doubles. They were caught on a mixture of baits including Herring, Squid, Mackerel, Sand eel, Sardines and any mixture, in cocktailed baits. The Spur dogs were not as prolific as the Saturday trip however there were again a few touching the mid double figures. We did have a couple of surprise appearances with a healthy Rocking and a neat little Thornback ray. We fished the tide through the slack well into the afternoon until the tide picked up too much and went back inshore to do a bit of feathering for Pollock or the elusive Mackerel. We picked up Coal Fish, Pollock and again the plague proportion dog fish.
One of the lads Dan; his first sea fishing trip, although he does do the Carp…..yep I said CARP thing lol; had a fabulous day, with 6 species caught and comments like “I will be def doing this again………Soon” “when are we going again” etc, methinks the Carp…hehe, will be taking the proverbial back seat!
We all had an absolutely superb day’s fishing, very comfortable, clean and quick boat.
Species for trip, Dog fish, Bull Huss, Spur dog, Thornback Ray, Coal Fish, Rockling and Pollock.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Sue Smith
on Bluefin (Ilfracombe, Devon)
23 Apr 2011 by Sue Smith
Report on-board Bluefin
Lundy Island Fishing Trip, Saturday 23rd April
Fabulous weather, virtually no wind, sunny and warm all day.
On way to Lundy Island stopped at a rough ground mark approximately eight miles out of Ilfracombe to try our luck fishing for Spur Dog’s and Bull Huss. We used Herring, Mackerel, and Squid in baits, these were sometimes cocktailed. Very successful mark, as we caught many Spur dogs up to 16lb and several Bull Huss. We fished the best of the tide for an hour or so, then moved swiftly on down to Lundy Island.
The weather was like a summers day getting very warm (sun burn in April) lol! A different style of fishing as we use feathers some of the other anglers used baited feathers. After a few minutes of setting up the drift, caught several small Pollock most returned to fight another day. Tried further up the island again and after several different drifts caught lots of small Pollock again and some very nice Coal fish and then moved again further up the island where we added Ballen Wrasse and the first lot of Mackerel for this season to the species list, all mature fish; one of the mackerel actually topped the one lb mark!
We all had an absolutely superb day’s fishing, very comfortable, clean and quick boat. The skipper John was helpful, knowledgeable and very patient with the less experienced anglers.
Species for trip, Dog fish, Bull Huss, Spur dog, Coal Fish, Mackerel, Pollock and Ballen Wrasse.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
28 Apr 2011 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
APRIL 2011 - FLAMER IV REPORT - "WHAT A MONTH" as excellent fish were caught throughout the month although the majority of April's trips were spent concentrating on Plaice and Turbot.Paul Milkins landed the biggest plaice weighing 6Ib 2oz closely followed by Denise Young with a 5Ib 12oz plaice.Top of the impressive Turbot catches was Trevor Lockyer with 24Ib 8oz monster then Russell Salmon with his 23 pounder.Cod started to feature inshore and on the offshore wrecks.Peter Gordon landed a 20 pounder on the mussell beds and David Bruce caught a 23Ib Cod while drifting a wreck with mackerel fillet bait.Pollack and Ling were caught on the wrecks.The inshore reef/bank fishing at anchor produced some good action with good size spurdogs,smooth hounds and rays.27 different species have been caught on Flamer IV so far in 2011.
With so many good fish caught it was a hard job choosing the Fish of the Month award.However Flamer IV Fish of the Month was awarded to Russell Salmon for his 23Ib Turbot(pictured).You may ask why Trevor Lockyer did not win it with his 24Ib 8oz Turbot,well Trevor won January Fish of the Month and had already qualified for the 2011 winners competition.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Robert Hewitt
on Anglo Dawn III (Teignmouth, Devon)
23 Apr 2011 by Robert Hewitt
Report on-board Anglo Dawn III
With the Spring run of Plaice well under way on the Skerries Bank in Dartmouth, caught Eight 2 weeks ago with a boat total of 79, but relitively small fish.
so took advantage of the Bank holiday and booked myself on a Boat out of Salcombe (a couple of miles from Dartmouth )
this was a good move after leaving Swansea at 3.30am I arrived in Salcombe at 6.30am
I was First on the Boat, Chris the Skipper saying that only 4 more to come brilliant bags of room, less risk of tangling as todays method was drift fishing for Plaice. everybody on , we head for the Skerries
20 minutes and we are on the mark. tactics were to fish as light as possible, so used my new purchase from Mainwarings, Diawa Kenzaki 6/12 Braid special with Abu 6500 loaded with 14lbs Braid. Rig is 8ft of 10lbs Amnesia running ledger, with an 1/0 Aberdeen fine Wire on the end with 6-10 beads and a flyer hook 2/3rd of the way up again same hook and beads, 3oz watch lead. Bait Rag & Squid with Peeler and Prawn to mix it up.
5 minutes into the First drift I connect to the first fish of the day nice Plaice around 1lbs 1/2. Next drift again a similar size fish. Chris has put us right on the fish, with fish coming in its a great start to the day and the skipper gets a brew on
It went quiet at high water with everybody having caught Plaice except for Gary, who was now getting frustrated watching us having fun. finally he connected and the pressure was off! and I commented "you going for Quality not Quantity" Gary! 10 minutes later and he only brings in a beauty! we reckon between 3 1/2 to 4 lbs a proper fish. A great day was had by all with my final tally being 11 Plaice (kept 4 returned the rest) and a boat total of 52 fish
A top skipper Chris Roberts of Anglo Dawn III , Back down there again next Sunday 30th for another bash atView Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
22 Apr 2011 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
APRIL 2011 - Mark Butland and his three friends travelled from Portsmouth for their annual flatty trip aboard Flamer IV.They certainly seem to have the nack of catching flatty's and this years trip was no exception.In the first two drifts Mark landed a personal best turbot weighing 14Ib 4oz followed by a seven pounder.Brian Martin chipped in with a nine pounder.Marks crew accounted for five of the days turbot catch.During the day more turbot were caught by the other anglers on the trip along with some plaice.Mark is pictured with his personal best turbot.
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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
20 Apr 2011 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
FLAMER IV ANGLING BREAK - APRIL 2011 - Chris Akroyd and crew joined Flamer IV for a three day angling break with flatfish in mind and they were not dissapointed.During the three days they caught several plaice,turbot and one brill.Mark Potts caught the only brill on the trip a nice fish of 4Ib.Mark Cookney landed the biggest turbot which weighed 16Ib and is a personal best for Eric.Eric is pictured with his big turbot.Eric's brother David made it a brother turbot double when he caught an 8Ib 8oz turbot.Organiser Chris Akroyd also joined in the turbot fun catching an 8 pounder on day two.A surprise catch while plaice fishing was a 20Ib cad caught by Peter Gordon.Peter had an almighty struggle trying to land the big cod on just 12Ib class tackle.The crew also enjoyed sessions fishing for mackerel,sandeels,herrings and pollack along with a few hours anchored on a reef catching conger and the usual dogfish.The lads enjoyed their Angling Break and have vowed to rteturn.
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