Latest Fishing Reports: South West
Fishing Report by Colin Baker
on Sally Ann Jo (Weymouth, Dorset)
Sep 2009 by Colin Baker
Report on-board Sally Ann Jo
Well the boat is now at Pier Rd, Littlehampton, so if you've been on the boat from Ford note the new location. September saw a total of 16 species on the boat including bream, bass, cod, conger, whiting, tope, thornbacks and smoothounds. The last weekend was probably the best, with the small tides we went out and anchored a deep hole both days and the weather couldnt have been calmer. Saturday saw the first cod to baits at anchor this year and Ron who was out celebrating his 82nd birthday had the best fish, an eel of 40lb. Sundays best fish went to Charlotte on her first trip, the only other fish she has caught being the mackerel bait on the way out. After that she went on to catch another three eels I think. With the cod turning up to baits I look forward to October and the rest of the winter. October shoud continue to turn up big eels as well as bream and bass amongst the cod and other species.
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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
1 Oct 2009 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
FLAMER III - SEPTEMBER 2009 REPORT - Well bar for a week of strong north east winds the weather was good.The fishing was just SUPERB.The turbot,brill fishing on the Shambles Bank was just brilliant also some 4Ib plus plaice were caught on the bank as well.The mussel beds was very good for plaice,bream,cod,gurnards etc.
The Reefs produced some good black bream fishing along with bull huss,cod,congers,tope,undulate rays etc.The ray fishing was good on marks to the east of the port and on the kidney bank with many 15Ib plus rays being caught.Trigger fish also featured on a mark east of Weymouth.57 different species have now been caught on Flamer III in 2009 which has equaled last years total.
Flamer III Fish of the Month for September was awarded to Andy Collings for his 27Ib blonde ray.Andy is pictured with his ray catch.Incidently this was Andy's first ever blonde ray.
2010 bookings have been brisk with many booking early.Don't Miss Out if you want a boat booking or for individual/s then contact me NOW.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Alex kweller
on Predator (Poole, Dorset)
27 Sep 2009 by Alex kweller
Report on-board Predator
The Thamesdown Pirates enjoyed a great days fishing aboard Predator II and boated a total of 15 rays. Pictured here is Dale with the biggest fish of the day which weighed in at 12lbs 9oz. All fish were returned to fight another day.
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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
16 Sep 2009 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
SPECIES FISHING - On Flamer III through out each year I keep a tally of how many different species are caught.The best total was acheived in 2007 with 61 different species.Just last week four more were added to this years total making 55 different species caught on Flamer III in 2009.The four were Gilthead Bream,Ballions Wrasse,Red Mullet and Trigger Fish.I had not seen a Trigger Fish all Summer/Autumn then five come along in two days and all from the same mark to the east of Weymouth were I had never caught them before.Small pieces of ragworm being the successful bait. Pictured is Aidy Cox with his Trigger Fish.
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Fishing Report by Alex kweller
on Predator (Poole, Dorset)
12 Sep 2009 by Alex kweller
Report on-board Predator
A big thank you to the lads at Breaksea Boats who delivered Predator to me on Saturday. Their journey from Brixham was not for the faint hearted as they had to contend with strong easterly winds.
I still have a few weekend dates available in October & November so call or email me now for a trip on a new, fast Evolution 30.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
9 Sep 2009 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
THE CREAM OF DEVONSHIRE WITH A BIT OF CORNISH - Mark Collins and friends from Dartmouth and Gordon from Cornwall travelled to Weymouth for a day aboard Flamer III to sample the black bream and flatty fishing and they were not dissapointed.Breezy conditions did not make things easy for them.First we stopped and caught plenty of mackerel for bait.Then several drifts on the mussel beds on the edge of the Portland race produced some reasonable black bream on squid strips and scollop frill baits.Then a move for a session on the famous Shambles Bank saw four Brill,two turbot and plaice come aboard along with some gurnards and more mackerel.The suceessful bait being mackerel strip.The lads were well happy and vowed to come back for another trip.Pictured is Mark Collins with his first ever Brill which weighed 5Ib 8oz.
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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
1 Sep 2009 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
FLAMER III - AUGUST REPORT - The flatty fishing was just superb with plaice in the 4 to 5Ib plus range being landed and plenty of brill up to 7Ib 4oz and turbot up to 9Ib also being caught.For some reason the black bream fishing has not been up to what you would expect at this time of year.The reefs produced bull huss,congers,rays,cod,tope and lots of other species.The offshore wrecks still had some cod,ling and bass on them.My 5 day Flamer III Summer Festival was a great success and will be held in August again in 2010.The Flamer III species count for 2009 stands at 51 different species so far.Flamer III August Fish of the Month was awarded to Stewert Huggins for his near record Undulate Ray weighing 19Ib.(Stewert is pictured with his big Undulate Ray).
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Fishing Report by Colin Baker
on Sally Ann Jo (Weymouth, Dorset)
Aug 2009 by Colin Baker
Report on-board Sally Ann Jo
Winds and weather were not kind in August, however when we have got out the fishing has been good. Pollack to 14lbs and bass from the wrecks on lures when the tides have been smaller. From the banks and reefs a variety of fish including bream, bass, rays, gurnard tope and hounds. Probably the best fish this month was a conger of 50lbs from rough ground at night to Trigger on his first boat trip and his first conger too! Now the evenings are drawing in more opportunity for an evening trip targeting this species are available before the water cools and they move into deeper water. Hopefully the weather will be better for the comming autumn.
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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
24 Aug 2009 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
NEWICK CROWN HOOKERS SAC caught some smashing fish on their latest trip aboard Flamer III.Although the fishing was slow in the morning it certainly improved as the day went on.Simon Ramm was first with a cod weighing 14Ib.Then Mick Beech chipped in with a 3Ib plaice.Then a move to the famous Shambles Bank proved to be the icing on the cake with 6 brill and a turbot coming aboard in a two hour session.Guest Bill Walton landed two brill.
"Phil The Power Boswell" caught a 7Ib brill and a turbot with some of the other members adding to this flatty catch.The successful bait was mackerel strip.Needless to say the club were Happy Hookers at the end of their trip.Club chairman Les Whiteman known as number one unfortunatley failed to catch a flatty but vowed to improve and show the rest how it's done on the clubs next trip.
"PHIL THE POWER TAYLOR" is pictured with his 7Ib Brill.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
16 Aug 2009 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
FAMILY FLATTY PLEASURE ON FLAMER III - Rick Hawkins belated 50th birthday family fishing trip saw the group catch five flatty's in two drifts on the famous Shambles Bank.The best flatty was caught by 25 year old Ciara on her first ever fishing trip,she landed a 7Ib 4oz brill followed by a turbot on the next drift.Mum Jenny and Ciara's boyfriend Sam both landed brill as well with Rick joining in with a turbot.All the flatty's were caught on mackerel strip bait.Later in the day anchored sessions on mussel beds and a reef produced black bream,bull huss,red gurnard,dog fish and pouts.Needless to say all of them enjoyed their day out on Flamer III.The picnic Jenny provided was very enjoyable as well.
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