Latest Fishing Reports: South West
Fishing Report by Dave Saunders
on Kellys Hero Charters (Brixham, Devon)
Aug 2009 by Dave Saunders
Report on-board Kellys Hero Charters
Recent species hunts have proved very popular with visitors to Brixham trying sea fishing for the first time. Most have tried the local 2 hour, Mackerel fishing boat (Brixham Belle 3 skippered by Barrie) then though they would like to experience a longer trip.
Species caught during August are:
Ballan Wrasse
Cuckoo Wrasse
Ribbon Fish
Horse Mackerel
Red Gurnard
Pout Whiting
Black Bream
Bull Huss
Dog Fish
PlaiceView Boats Page
Sun 23/02/2025 3 Hours Wildlife cruise of Torbay.View details Sun 02/03/2025 6 Spaces 3 Hours £30.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. Wildlife of Torbay 08.30hrs.View details Sun 09/03/2025 3 Hours Wildlife of Torbay 08.30hrs.View details Sun 16/03/2025 3 Hours Wildlife of Torbay 08.30hrs.View details Sun 23/03/2025 3 Hours Wildlife of Torbay 08.30hrs.View details Sun 30/03/2025 3 Hours Wildlife of Torbay 08.30hrs.View details Sun 06/04/2025 3 Hours Wildlife of Torbay 08.30hrs.View details Wed 09/04/2025 6 Hours £65.00pp Wrecking. Pollock.View details Thu 24/04/2025 3 Spaces 8 Hours £65.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. Steve Pulsford x4 Pollock.View details Sun 22/06/2025 4 Spaces 8 Hours £70.00pp 3 days of mixed fishing. Bass / Plaice / Pollock.View details -
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
14 Aug 2009 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
The 2nd FLAMER III SUMMER FESTIVAL was held in AUGUST 2009 - this 5 day competition was a great success.A variety of fishing was done over the 5 days including 2 species hunt days,a conger and ling day,a lure only day and a specimen day.In all 27 different species were caught.
Results - Overall Singles Champion - Dave Thompson 544 points,Runner Up - Peter Collings 526 points,Weakest Link - Stewert Huggins 378 points.Pairs Winners - Dave Thompson and Peter Collings with 22 species.Most Species - Dave Thompson with 20.
Best Flatfish - Mick Nunn - Brill 6Ib 8oz.Best Specimen - Stewert Huggins 19Ib Undulate Ray.
Pictured are some of the guys with their trophies etc.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Dave Saunders
on Kellys Hero Charters (Brixham, Devon)
15 Aug 2009 by Dave Saunders
Report on-board Kellys Hero Charters
Recent local reef fishing has produced several unusal species namely:
A large 'Ribbon fish' which was approx 2 feet long and caused quite a lot of interest from the lads onboard today.
Species off the local reefs this month are:
Ballan Wrasse
Cuckoo Wrasse
Red Gurnard
Tub Gurnard
Channel Whiting
Mackerel (in abundance)
Black Bream
Although we have been busy with 4 and 6 hour trips we are still available for 8 and 10 hour trips to offshore wrecks.View Boats Page
Sun 23/02/2025 3 Hours Wildlife cruise of Torbay.View details Sun 02/03/2025 6 Spaces 3 Hours £30.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. Wildlife of Torbay 08.30hrs.View details Sun 09/03/2025 3 Hours Wildlife of Torbay 08.30hrs.View details Sun 16/03/2025 3 Hours Wildlife of Torbay 08.30hrs.View details Sun 23/03/2025 3 Hours Wildlife of Torbay 08.30hrs.View details Sun 30/03/2025 3 Hours Wildlife of Torbay 08.30hrs.View details Sun 06/04/2025 3 Hours Wildlife of Torbay 08.30hrs.View details Wed 09/04/2025 6 Hours £65.00pp Wrecking. Pollock.View details Thu 24/04/2025 3 Spaces 8 Hours £65.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. Steve Pulsford x4 Pollock.View details Sun 22/06/2025 4 Spaces 8 Hours £70.00pp 3 days of mixed fishing. Bass / Plaice / Pollock.View details -
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
4 Aug 2009 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
FLAMER III - JULY REPORT - well what a month for wet and windy weather and I thought summer was here.The month of July has been like this for three years in a row. Any way when we did get out to sea,some suberb fish were caught especialy flatfish and big bream.In early July the cod fishing on the wrecks was still good.The reefs/banks produced plenty of tope,rays,bream etc.The Shambles Bank was very good for turbot and brill along with a few bass and cod.The mussel beds threw up some superb plaice in the 4 to 5Ib plus range including one of 6Ib 10oz.43 different species have been caught on Flamer III in 2009 so far.
I had some excellent entry's for July Flamer fish of the month and decided to award it to James Mccarthy for his superb 5Ib Black Bream.
Note:Quite a few groups did 2,3,4 and 5 days trips aboard Flamer III in July and have all re - booked for 2010.There is something to be said for a few days fishing out of Weymouth as it offers all sorts of fishing and plenty of different species.If you fancy it in 2010 - then contact me a.s.a.p.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
28 Jul 2009 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Sheffield based GLODEN PLOVER SAC came to Weymouth in July 2008 to go out on Flamer III but the weather was awful and they were blown out each day.They returned in July 2009 and the weather was a little better but still very breezy and they did manage to get out for some flatty fishing.Their patience was rewarded with three flatty's in two drifts on the Famous Shambles Bank.First Christopher Lee landed a brill then on the very next drift Dave Roberts landed a turbot shortly followed by a brill for Richard Charlesworth.All the lads had never caught turbot or brill before.The successful bait was mackerel strip.The lads have re booked for 2010 with the hope that they get some summer weather then,third time lucky I guess.The happy guys are pictured with their flatty catch.
View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Alex kweller
on Predator (Poole, Dorset)
Jul 2009 by Alex kweller
Report on-board Predator
The lads at Breaksea Boats are working round the clock to finish Predator II for her imminent launch. Why don't you give me a call and come and try a days fishing on a new, modern, fast charter boat?
Discounts available for multiple bookings please feel free to contact me for further details.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
20 Jul 2009 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
BEGINNERS LUCK - Andy Rollett age 37 a pub manager from Bath on his first ever fishing trip landed a superb plaice weighing 6Ib 10oz while drifting a mussel bed.The big plaice came up no bother until about 30 foot from the boat then it woke up and gave Andy some heart stopping moments as it made several runs for freedom.
Andy was using borrowed tackle from his pal Alan Curtis who had invited him along.The successful bait was ragworm and squid strip presented on a two hook flatty trace with lots of attractor beads and some small blades on.Andy also caught a 4Ib cod and some black bream earlier in the day.This plaice is the biggest caught on Flamer III this year.Andy is pictured with his big plaice catch.
Tom Songhurst from Sussex caught his personal best plaice weighing 4Ib 4oz just minutes before Andy struck into his big spottie.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
10 Jul 2009 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
JULY 2009 - Gypsy Mariners S.A.C. for the second year in a row came to Weymouth for 5 days fishing aboard Flamer III.The unseasonal and often windy conditions did not deter them.During the 5 days they clocked up 23 different species which was good as the weather had restricted them to a limited area to which they could fish.Among the species caught were some good flatty's - 8Ib and 4Ib 8oz brill,4Ib 2oz and 3Ib plaice along with turbot in the 6 to 7Ib range.They also caught tope,black bream,cod,bass,gurnards,garfish etc and the smallest undulate ray I have ever seen which was a first for the club and Neil Tuckett who caught it.Over the 5 days a competition was done with the results being - Winner - Mark Cooper 446 points,Runner Up - Paul Costello - 324 points,Most Species - Mark Cooper with 16,Best Specimen - Paul Costello 8Ib brill(which is pictured),Weakest Link - Neil Tuckett 184 points.
The club enjoyed themselves so much again,thet have already booked 5 days for June 2010.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
5 Jul 2009 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
JUNE 2009 REPORT - The cod fishing on the offshore wrecks was just superb with many cod up to 16Ib being caught on a variety of lures,but my favourite was the rhubarb and custard sidewinder which also accounted for some ling,pollack and bass.Ling were also taken on baits.Turbot and Brill were consistant from the Shambles Bank.Also had a 16Ib 12oz Turbot while drifting a wreck.
The reefs produced conger,huss,bream,rays,tope etc and on one particular day over 120 spurdogs up to 15Ib in a frantic three hour session and they were all returned alive.A 5 day west country trip was done and was a success,so much that a 7 dayer is being planned for june 2010(if interested then contact me for details).40 different species have now been caught on Flamer III in 2009.
Flamer Fish of the Month for June was awarded to Ryan Phayer for his 7Ib 2oz Tub Gurnard.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by peter glazzard
on Falmouth Sea Fishing (Falmouth, Cornwall)
2 Jul 2009 by peter glazzard
Report on-board Falmouth Sea Fishing
I went out today with Frank on the Carrick. I had to make a report because I have never before experienced such an all round complete package as good as this!!
We decided to start the day 'on the Cod' within an hour on the first mark we had boated a couple of dozen fish to around 12lb with a number of good sized double hook ups!
We then went off for a conger-once again and unbelievably Frank put us straight on the mark. We boated 4 conger to around 35lb within an hour and a half.
On the way back in, we stopped for a couple of hopeful bass drifts. We boated 5 bass on 3 drifts, right under the noses of another boat that had un successfully being drifting the mark all day!!!
The boat hand Guy, was fantastic, bacon butty waiting when we boarded and tea and coffee on demand!! He was like 'Johny on the spot' with the net, and was extremely knowledgeable on the tactics and tackle.
Ive spoken to a number of freinds and will be booking again as soon as possible.
Thanks Frank--Best day on a charter boat for me for many many years.
Pete Glazzard
Tunbridge wellsView Boats Page