Latest Fishing Reports: South West
Fishing Report by Malcolm Collins
on Just Mary (Christchurch, Dorset)
28 May 2020 by Malcolm Collins
Report on-board Just Mary
Hi All, we are working under strict rules, Risk Assessment and PPE, but we are working, maximum two onboard, but the possibility of four now since June 1st and Boris' speech, same household, close family, close friends, work colleagues, just £50 each own tackle, bait, etc or extra £10 for hire gear and bait at cost or bring your own. Now seven glorious days on the water in bright sunshine and flat calm seas and plenty of always with me ! Nice Bream and good numbers, some bonus Bass plus lots of other species off the reefs. Pics to follow or go to my FB pages, ta Malc. PS. RING TO BOOK...Really busy so book soon.....!
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Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
25 May 2020 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
What some fantastic weather we have had during lockdown, I have seen so many people with ‘tans’ that previously would only have been gained abroad. I hope you are all well and nearing completion of all those jobs around the home you have never had time to do before. At last I have been able to return to sea 1st with the wife and the fishing was brilliant and in true form the wife caught more than me, last week I tried a trip with 1 person to see how to keep to the guidelines and it worked perfectly and on the back of this as from 1st June I am now operating 1 person trips which have had a tremendous response from my regulars and June has been snapped up. Hopefully we can increase the numbers and having worked out social distancing requirements and practicality I will be once allowed taking a maximum of 5 anglers who all know each other or families. If you would like a day out alone, with friends or family please call.
Stay safe
PhilView Boats Page
Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
21 Mar 2020 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
Although the fishing in Poole is good with plenty of Plaice inshore and some cracking Pollack on the wrecks along with the expected arrival in numbers of the bream due to uncertain times ahead I am not advertising anymore trips until things settle. The most important thing we can all do is follow guidelines even though our instincts say different and stay safe, once this is over I look forward to seeing you again and catching fish. Please keep in touch.
Stay safe
Philip HigginsView Boats Page
Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
18 Mar 2020 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
Hi Ladies / Gents
During these challenging times and provided the government allows it I am continuing to operate and will be reducing my singles trips to a maximum of 6 people. I hope you all stay safe and virus free and look forward to taking you fishing soon.
All the best
PhilView Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
17 Mar 2020 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Managed another trip on the Reefs and Banks which produced Blonde and Undulate Rays,Turbot,Bull Huss, Congers, Dogfish and Pouts. Phil Harrison landed his first ever Undulate Ray weighing 13Ib (pictured).
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Fishing Report by Michael Webber Griffiths
on Teddie Boy Charters (Minehead, Somerset)
Mar 2020 by Michael Webber Griffiths
Report on-board Teddie Boy Charters
Over the past few days the wind has eventually allowed us to get out fishing, we have been targeting the following species on these trips (Blonde Rays, Thornback Rays, Spotted Rays, Small Eyed Rays, Cod, Congers, Whiting, Smoothound, Spurdog, Bull Huss). The Rays we have been catching have been well into double figures infact some blondes around 20lb. Bull Huss have been to 15lb these provide excellent sport for anglers of all abilities. Cod have been making regular appearances on trips and can be targeted using worm and squid baits. The methods that have been used are downtide and uptiding with mackerel, squid, blueys and worm baits presented on a pennel hook running ledger rigs.
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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Mar 2020 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Flamer IV regulars Denise and Ian Youngs caught nice Undulate Rays on their latest trip aboard Flamer IV, Denise landed an Undulate Ray weighing 12Ib 8oz and Ian landed one weighing 10Ib. The successful bait was squid and mackerel cocktails on Sakuma Manta hooks. Both rays were weighed, photographed and returned alive.
I hope the weather improves soon I can get you out for the Spring Turbot and Plaice fishing and on the Wrecks for Pollack and of course on the Reefs and Banks for Rays, Spurs etc.
Pictured is Ian Youngs with his 10Ib Undulate Ray.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
6 Mar 2020 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
At last a day were the weather was good in between the constant storms. Two anchored sessions on Banks saw Undulate, Thornback and Small Eyed Ray caught along with Turbot, Congers, Whiting and the usuall Dogfish.
Mackerel and Squid cocktails proved to be the best baits.
Pictured is Denise Youngs with her 12Ib 8oz Undulate Ray which was photographed and returned alive.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
18 Feb 2020 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
Well what some atrocious weather we have had and yet more to come, like most other skippers I have only managed a couple of trips this month cancelling 9 on the trot, not good but that is the nature of our business. The best day so far this month was with Paul and a few friends who had 3 previous trips cancelled, this was just plucked out of the air and it coincided with the calmest day of February and bright sunshine, we went to the chosen mark and it seems as though the bank has been washed away by storms and was 1/2 its original size so we headed further out and came across a new mark which produced Spurdogs and Rays all day with a couple of Tope well over 30lb and as a bonus for Paul he caught his 1st Octopus. Towards the end of the day we were joined by a large Porbeagle that was more interested in chasing hooked fish to the boat than feeding we offered plenty of goodies to no avail.
Not much to report but the wife is very happy as all those jobs around the home have been done and I have plenty of brownie points in the bag for later !!!!.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Matt Forrester
on Silver Halo (Torquay, Devon)
25 Jan 2020 by Matt Forrester
Report on-board Silver Halo
Now just a few weeks into the New Year fishing has started well for 2020.
The cold spell weve just had has cooled off the water abit and we have seen a steady and very welcome run of fresh pollock coming in.
Although Ive only been running medium range trips my cleints have had several double figure fish and quite a few big ones have been lost into the wrecks. Bites on lures are often fussy but persitance has paid off. On occasion we have had some big bangs to the lure but no hook up, we were a little puzzled by this and I expected it may of been large bass swiping the lure with the side of their gill cover to stun the escaping bait. This may of been proved correct as on the last trip we had a 10.8lb bass on the same wreck!
Im feeling positive that we will have more new fish arriving all the time and this could provide some great sport, not just for the classic Feb and March but right through the summer! Fingers crossed.
Tight lines and thanks MattView Boats Page
Thu 08/05/2025 2 Spaces £165.00pp Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers, offshore wrecking with jigs and luresView details Wed 28/05/2025 2 Spaces £165.00pp Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. MAX of 4 anglers, offshore wrecks with jigs and luresView details Thu 29/05/2025 2 Spaces £165.00pp Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers offshore wrecking with jigs and luresView details Fri 30/05/2025 2 Spaces £165.00pp Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers, offshore with jigs and luresView details Mon 09/06/2025 3 Spaces 9 Hours £165.00pp Need 3 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers, offshore wreck with jigs and luresView details Wed 09/07/2025 3 Spaces £165.00pp Need 3 more for trip go-ahead. MAX of 4 anglers, offshore wrecks with jigs and luresView details Wed 30/07/2025 3 Spaces £165.00pp Need 3 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers, slow pitch jigs and lures, offshoreView details Sat 11/10/2025 1 Space £165.00pp Need 1 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers offshore wrecking with jigs and luresView details