Latest Fishing Reports: South West
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Apr 2019 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
13 year old Alex Canham did really well catching two firsts and setting three personal bests. He caught a 4Ib 4oz Tub Gurnard and an 11Ib 8oz Ling both firsts for Alex and a 7Ib 4oz Pollack which broke his previous Personal Best. Alex is pictured wuith his 4Ib 4oz Tub Gurnard.
The weather is looking good this week at presnet so check out my bookings diary for plaves available.
Don't Miss Out - " Come and get a tug on your tackle"View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
21 Apr 2019 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Some lovely weather gave me the chance to do some Wreck trips were we saw Catches of Pollack, Cod, Bass and Ling caught on mainly Pink Red Gills and Rhubarb and Custard Sidewinders.
It was nice to see Cod being caught on the Wrecks which is encouraging for me and the anglers.
Pictured is Phil Harrison with his 12Ib pollack caught on a Pink Red Gill.
Don't Miss out check out my diary page for up coming Wreck Trips with places available.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
19 Apr 2019 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Some lovely weather gave me the chance to do some Wreck trips were we saw Catches of Pollack, Cod, Bass and Ling caught on mainly Pink Red Gills and Rhubarb and Custard Sidewinders.
Pictured is Shane Sturmey with his 7Ib Cod which was the first Cod to be caught on Flamer IV this year. It was nice to see Cod being caught on the Wrecks which is encouraging for me and the anglers.
Don't Miss out check out my diary page for up coming Wreck Trips with places available.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
21 Apr 2019 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Some lovely weather gave me the chance to do some Wreck trips were we saw Catches of Pollack, Cod, Bass and Ling caught on mainly Pink Red Gills and Rhubarb and Custard Sidewinders.
Pictured is Chris Gardner with his 12Ib 4oz Cod.
Don't Miss out check out my diary page for up coming Wreck Trips with places available.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
21 Apr 2019 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Pictured is 63 year old Andy Collings with his 3Ib 4oz Plaice earned him Runner Up spot in the annual Flamer IV Plaice Competition. It was a good day with a steady catch of Plaice in the 2 to 3Ib plus bracket caught on a variety of rigs and a combination of baits which included Ragworm,Black Lugworm, Prawns and Squid Strips.
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Fishing Report by Matt Forrester
on Silver Halo (Torquay, Devon)
Apr 2019 by Matt Forrester
Report on-board Silver Halo
Things have been mixed for April so far with terrible Easterlies only 1 trip was run in the first 2 weeks!!! Thankfully weve got it a bit more settled now and trips are getting out when its suitable and I have clients!
The bigger pollock seem to of dispersed now (or been wiped out by the fixed gill nets) but fishing has been good with lots of pollock just into double figures. Cod also seem to be showing and yesterday we had 5 to 7lb along with some new season bass, although small they are a good sign.
Things feel positive for the rest of April and May could be great so fingers crossed.
Please get in touch for bookings or short notice trips as my calander on Charter Boats UK is not always upto date! Check out my face book page and group for regular updates!
Thanks MattView Boats Page
Thu 08/05/2025 2 Spaces £165.00pp Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers, offshore wrecking with jigs and luresView details Wed 28/05/2025 2 Spaces £165.00pp Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. MAX of 4 anglers, offshore wrecks with jigs and luresView details Thu 29/05/2025 2 Spaces £165.00pp Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers offshore wrecking with jigs and luresView details Fri 30/05/2025 2 Spaces £165.00pp Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers, offshore with jigs and luresView details Mon 09/06/2025 3 Spaces 9 Hours £165.00pp Need 3 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers, offshore wreck with jigs and luresView details Wed 09/07/2025 3 Spaces £165.00pp Need 3 more for trip go-ahead. MAX of 4 anglers, offshore wrecks with jigs and luresView details Wed 30/07/2025 3 Spaces £165.00pp Need 3 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers, slow pitch jigs and lures, offshoreView details Sat 11/10/2025 1 Space £165.00pp Need 1 more for trip go-ahead. max of 4 anglers offshore wrecking with jigs and luresView details -
Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
17 Apr 2019 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
Great day on the bream with over 60 being landed and mostly returned, the trial with barbless hooks is going well with NO fish lost and all easily unhooked, the fish are very finicky and in tight pockets which involve several moves to locate them but well worth the effort for Gee it was a fantastic trip when he landed his 1st Black Bream and broke a couple of PBs for other fish. If you fancy a bream trip please give me a call.
PhilView Boats Page
Fishing Report by Shaun Pedley
on Our Joe (Paignton, Devon)
12 Apr 2019 by Shaun Pedley
Report on-board Our Joe
That’s the first Devon Sea Fishing Holiday for 2019 hosted here in Paignton for us now finished. We had 4 anglers plus a few extras individuals that came wrecking during the 5 days fishing aboard Our Joe-L .
MONDAY - We headed down the Ray Pits trying new marks out and on the famous Skerries Bank. With nice weather but cloudy water, we struggled for fresh bait on feathers so decided to head out with what we had out of the freezer only. Using smaller hooks down to a 1/0 due to the lack of bait and a decent tide, we produced Blonde Rays up to 19 1/2lb and a couple of decent Plaice on a slack water drift.
TUESDAY - Mid Channel Wreck Fishing
We fished two small wrecks and one large wreck on a big but dropping flood tide throughout the morning and the start of the ebb in the afternoon. We produced some double figure Pollock along with plenty of smaller ones, a couple of Whiting on baits and a Tub Gurnard fell to Roy who had just taken a likening to the flavour of these fish only weeks ago, so he was well chuffed!
WEDNESDAY - Rough Ground/ Reef Fishing
We fished a couple of patches on the Rough Ground which was brilliant sport but nothing of notable size. Malcolm Wright of Colchester Sea Anglers did manage a club record Cuckoo Wrasse of 13oz. These marks produced Conger, Cuckoo Wrasse, Pollock, Dogfish, Red Gurnard and Dogfish.
THURSDAY - Inshore Wreck Fishing
We started off within 10NM off the South Coast on one of my favourite inshore wrecks from 2018. We had a 10-15knt East wind over a dropping flood tide - my top condition for this wreck in 2018. Seven lads produced a decent stamp of Pollock up to 12 1/2lb, filling the boxes up. When the tide allowed, Dan was practising the art of Slow Pitch Jigging with Master craft jigs. It certainly had the attention of the lads who hadn’t seen this style before! We also had the first Cod of the year falling to Peter from New Zealand who had never fished in UK waters before. Fishing on our Shakespeare Rod and Penn warfare 20 Reel. The Cod weighed 6lb.
Friday - Mid Channel Wreck Fishing
With the Weekend’s conger comp looking to be postponed to later on in the year, I decided to run a longer day to make up for it. Again we had seven lads aboard and six of them had planned to fish my weekend eel comp. We started off heading out into a flat calm Torbay thinking if we can get out, this forecasted Easterly won’t affect us at all! After 10 mins I could see the wind over the surface and knew it would change my plan of heading East. A slight change of heading is all you need in OUR JOE-L like many fast charter boats. We were soon out over 35 miles fishing in a forecast Easterly wind (for the 3rd time this week) over a small flood tide. We caught a steady amount of Pollock up to 6 or 7 lb on the first 3 wrecks it took us until the forth to find the bigger fish for the day, with half a dozen or so going into double figures again, but nothing over 11lb. We had boxes of bigger fish than inshore wrecking the previous day, but not as many fish over all.
It was great to see that such a range of lures catching on the wrecks but the top lure once again is the Sidewinder Sandeels 4 and 6 inch and the super real Skerries Eels Sidewinder
Species count for the Week -13
Tub Gurnerd
Red Gernerd
Cuckoo Wrasse
Blond Ray
Spur Dog
Launce (Caught as Bait)
With the forecast looking ‘marginal at best’ all week, we managed to beat it and headed to sea every day and it was much better than expected. That really is the beauty of these Fishing Holidays - staying at @Parkholm Hotel, 5 mins away from the harbour, you might as well try it in the morning and often you’ll be surprised to get a full day if fishing in! This compared to what we have all experienced in the past - you guys booking a day of fishing then its cancelled the night before thinking it will save you a long early morning journey to the harbour for nothing, only for it to turn out lovely the next day!
The next Devon Sea Fishing Holiday still has limited spaces, arriving on Sunday 26th May for an option of 4 or 5 days fishing. This is Whitsun Week fishing for ‘The Whitsun Annual Trophy’ for best fish and a shield for the most species caught in the week. Last year both won respectively by a pollock of 16lb and 11 species.
Shaun Pedley
OUR JOE-L Charters and Fishing HolidaysView Boats Page
Mon 12/05/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Tue 13/05/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Wed 14/05/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Thu 15/05/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Fri 16/05/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Mon 23/06/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Tue 24/06/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Wed 25/06/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Thu 26/06/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Fri 27/06/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details -
Fishing Report by Sam Cumming
on Silver Spray II (Poole, Dorset)
Apr 2019 by Sam Cumming
Report on-board Silver Spray II
Our patience in March was rewarded with a week’s worth of good weather to round the month off, and on a nice neap tide no less! It seems like the weather makes a mess of those smaller tides so often these days so it’s nice to get one in. We were treated to 5 straight days of flat calm seas and good fishing. Most days were spent on the wrecks making targetting the big spring pollack with an hour or two spent at anchor on the way in to do some filleting and target the spurdogs and blonde rays. We have been doing well on the regular wrecks for this time of year averaging 30 fish or so a day, still plenty of double figure fish to help boost that personal best. Yesterday we managed the first cod of the year, hopefully the first of many. We used one of the smallest tides of the year to explore some new wrecks with positive results and look forward to getting out there again soon. On the banks the fishing is still nonstop with all different types of rays showing up along with spurs, congers, huss and some early tope. As an angler I love these types of trips at anchor due to the variety of species but it seems this year they have proved harder trips to fill than the long distance wreck stuff. Inshore the spell of warm weather has started to heat the waters back up and we have seen the arrival of the first bream slightly earlier than usual. We are used to seeing the smaller fish arrive first but were pleasantly surprised with half a dozen fish over 2lb in our first session. Elsewhere we have been getting tucked into some decent plaice up to 4lb, hard fighting on the lighter tackle. The turbot are plentiful but nothing monstrous yet so fingers crossed for later in the month. Plenty of spaces for bream fishing over the coming weeks as well as the first of the cod trips.
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Tue 25/02/2025 1 Space 11 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for pollock with turbot fishing over the slack £160 7 anglers max. 1 space Pollock / Turbot / Blonde Ray.View details Wed 26/02/2025 5 Spaces 11 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for pollock with turbot fishing over the slack £160 7 anglers max. 5 spaces Pollock / Turbot / Blonde Ray.View details Fri 07/03/2025 2 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 2 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Sun 09/03/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 6 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Mon 10/03/2025 3 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 3 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Fri 21/03/2025 5 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 5 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Sun 23/03/2025 4 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 4 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Mon 24/03/2025 4 Spaces 9 Hours £120.00pp Banks fishing spurs blondes hounds tope huss congers £120 4 spaces 7 anglers max. Bull Huss / Conger Eel / Smooth-hound (Common) / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Wed 26/03/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 6 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Fri 04/04/2025 4 Spaces £160.00pp wreck fishing pollock cod etc maybe a session at anchor - £160 7 anglers max. 4 spaces Cod / Pollock.View details -
Fishing Report by Shaun Pedley
on Our Joe (Paignton, Devon)
9 Apr 2019 by Shaun Pedley
Report on-board Our Joe
The lads from the South East have had a couple of decent days fishing aboard OUR JOE-L on this weeks Devon Sea Fishing Holiday hosted by us. The first 2 days have been very productive and fun!
Monday morning the tackle was aboard in no time and with full bellies from Sandra’s Breakfast at Parkholm Hotel. We headed out for a bit more bait on the feathers but the east wind had produced visibility that relates to pea soup! So we stuck to what the lads brought down with them.
I tried an old flood tide mark for Rays but the high pressure had slowed the tide sooner than expected so soon shifted.
Slack water over the skerries we had some nice but smallish plaice that went over 1lb.
When the Ebb kicked in we anchored a new little mark I’ve been wanting to try for a little while, with a couple of alterations after dropping the anchor we was on! Blonde, blonde, blonde biggest went over 19lb not quite making the 20lb for Kevin.
The Fisherman’s famous saying of ‘the one that got away’ was brought back for the afternoon as Malcolm Wright #Shimano Tyrnos 20 reel loaded with braid started to scream! (FISH ON!) All eyes widened knowing it was a big big blonde on the other end! Rod in hand and just as the thought turned to the drag and the fight for him the braid snapped! And with a big disappointing sigh from all 4 anglers, that was the end of that.
The ray marks round here have often produced Blonde Ray over 28lb and into the 30’s in the recent past! That would have secured the specimen prize for Malcolm’s club of Colchester Sea Anglers for a long time he tells me!
Today was Mid Channel Tuesday and with reports of the wrecks being slow at best at the moment we didn’t know what to expect. I targeted a couple of wrecks that should have been left alone for a while. All 3 wrecks produced pollock all day long. Not every drift but most drifts fish coming aboard. Getting bigger as the day went on with the biggest couple making it into double figures but most were 6-8lb.
Couple of nice Whiting and a Tub Gurnard to add to the day.
Over all happy faces aboard and the lads are all enjoying there fishing holiday with us here in Paignton, South Devon.
Tomorrow is another day and makes half way for the Fishing Holiday. Forecast could look better for the rest of the week but we will see!
Shaun Pedley
Our Joe-L Charters & Fishing HolidaysView Boats Page
Mon 12/05/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Tue 13/05/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Wed 14/05/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Thu 15/05/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Fri 16/05/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Mon 23/06/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Tue 24/06/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Wed 25/06/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Thu 26/06/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details Fri 27/06/2025 4 Spaces 50 Hours £495.00pp Guernsey Fishing Holiday. Brill / Turbot.View details