Latest Fishing Reports: South West

  • 09/10/2016 Fishing Report by Malcolm Collins on Just Mary (Christchurch, Dorset)

    9 Oct 2016 by Malcolm Collins

    Report on-board Just Mary

    Hi All, another great weekend aboard 'Just Mary' from Poole fishing local marks and going a bit farther to the 32's off the Jurassic Coast for more Big fish. Rays, Congers and Tope plus the usual Dogs, Bream, Pout, Whiting, etc, etc, for a full report see our Facebook pages of 'Onamission Charters' and book your place now on the Boat that goes further, tries harder and finds you the Fish, ta Malc. 'Just Mary', Poole.

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  • 10/2016 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Oct 2016 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    John Lewis age 70 from Nottingham landed his personal best Turbot weighing 11Ib 3oz. John was using 15Ib class tackle with a flowing trace and a size 4/0 Sakuma Stinger hook baited with a then strip of mackerel.

    FLATTY TRIPS with places available - October 25th, 26th, November 11th, Don't Miss Out

    For dates and places available and lots of information look at my web site:
    NOTE: LOOK - *** NOW TAKING BOOKINGS FOR 2017 *** I have put up an Itinerary of trips for 2017 on all my web sites, take a LOOK, the itinerary is not set in stone so I may be able to change it to suit your needs subject to the tides.

    HI, All, in the current issue of the magazine “SALT WATER BOAT ANGLING “ issue 6 Nov 2016, take a look at pages 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20. You may see some faces you recognize. There is also Skipper's Diary feature written by your's truly.

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  • 09/10/2016 Fishing Report by Philip Higgins on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)

    9 Oct 2016 by Philip Higgins

    Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3

    Poole Harbour is producing some quality fish Plaice up to 4lb, plenty of Bream and Gurnards and some big Wrasse not everyone's favourite but when in the 6lb class on light tackle they provide fantastic sport. Along the beaches Plaice dominate the catches although the fish are in the small to medium class the quantity provides plenty of action mixed in are Bream, Gurnards, small Hounds, Trigger fish and the occasional Cod. We tried the deeper Cod marks towards the Isle of Wight but were plagued with very small Congers and the 1st nice haul of Whiting this season. Several decent sized Rays were landed making it a good day but sadly no Cod ( always next time)

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  • 08/10/2016 Fishing Report by Nigel Lihou on Optimist (Brixham, Devon)

    8 Oct 2016 by Nigel Lihou

    Report on-board Optimist

    First of all an apology as I haven't let you know what Optimist has been up to for the last few months but things have been a bit hectic.
    Fish has been steady on the Skerries with a good species count on most trips, the Plaice are still around and getting plumper with the usual appearance of a Ray or two aboard on most trips mainly Blondes although we have had spotted, small eyed and thornback aboard (not all at once). The Gurnards appear with good regularity and mackerel seem more prolific on the banks than where they normally are around the headlands we have only seen one Garfish so far this year and quite a small one at that. Turbot and Brill have both been boated over the last couple of months with the biggest about 5lb and on the last trip out we managed a first for Optimist with a small starry smooth hound also on the same trip it was great to bring a Bass aboard a rare occurrence this year although we nearly lost it as it spat the hook in the net.
    We continue to monitor the wreck situation which has been dire all year with very few decent fish, mainly pouting and small Pollack, but the sounder has been showing large balls of bait fish very close to the wrecks not good if you are trying to attract a fish with a plastic lure.
    We will continue to be afloat for the majority of the winter and hope that the weather is a little kinder than last winter
    Don't for get to give us a call if you fancy some good fishing

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  • 01/10/2016 Fishing Report by Kevin Wyatt on Obsession (Mevagissey, Cornwall)

    1 Oct 2016 by Kevin Wyatt

    Report on-board Obsession

    Well a week of strong winds again stopped Obsession putting to sea every day.
    When we had a gap in the winds it was off to the far offshore wrecks again.
    Soon as we got there it was fish from the off.not massive but good hard fighting summer Pollock with a few cod mixed in.We have a few good tides left in November so be quick
    To book a place on Brixhams newest edition to the charter fleet and join OBSESSION, the massive 40ft charter boat then please call or text kev on 07964053347

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  • 10/2016 Fishing Report by Dick Peckham on Strongbow (Poole, Dorset)

    Oct 2016 by Dick Peckham

    Report on-board Strongbow

    Due to the high water temperatures fish migrations have been halted affecting Plaice and Bass.
    First few inshore Cod showing and the Flounders have moved into the harbour although unusually large numbers of small Bass are causing problems robing the bait at the moment .

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  • 02/10/2016 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    2 Oct 2016 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    My first trip in October was done with two sessions at anchor to the East of Weymouth. Tope,Rays,Conger,Smooth Hounds, Bream,Mackerel, Scad and the usual Dogfish and Pouts were caught. Martin Smith on his first trip on Flamer IV got a right tug on his tackle with a 40Ib Conger Eel and he also caught several Tope. Rick Hawkins did well catching two Blonde Rays in successive drops. All the Rays,Tope and Conger were caught on Pennel rigs with Sakuma Manta hooks baited with Squid and Mackerel.
    Pictured is Rick Hawkins with a 16Ib 12oz Blonde Ray.

    REEF/BANK TRIPS with places available October 9th,10th,11th,16th,17th,23rd,


    For dates and places available and lots of information look at my web site:
    NOTE: LOOK - *** NOW TAKING BOOKINGS FOR 2017 *** I have put up an Itinerary of trips for 2017 on all my web sites, take a LOOK, the itinerary is not set in stone so I may be able to change it to suit your needs subject to the tides.
    Book Your Place/s/Trips Now.

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  • 10/2016 Fishing Report by Ryan Casey on Meerkat (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Oct 2016 by Ryan Casey

    Report on-board Meerkat

    Well what a summer we have had this year for my 2nd year being a charter skipper it has been mental but amazing at the same time. The fishing has been a little up and down this year with the edible fish being hard to come across at some points through out the year but as we come closer and closer to end the Bream fishing has started to get a lot better so fingers crossed it stays that way.

    The big fishing has still been really good and has been all year with some really good specimen fish coming up and some really good sport/ catch and release fishing been going on aboard Meerkat especially on the neap tides.

    If you would like to be on my last Minute texting group please send me a email with your name and number and i'll add you to it.

    Tight lines

    ***************************************** 2017 DATES NOW AVAILABLE ****************************************

    **************************************** DEEPSEA DIARY UP TO DATE FOR 2017 ******************************

    **************************************** 07776182782 FOR MORE INFO ***************************************

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  • 10/2016 Fishing Report by Ryan Casey on Meerkat (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Oct 2016 by Ryan Casey

    Report on-board Meerkat

    Thank you for everyone who came along and supported this event along side Supanova, I'm pretty sure everyone had a good time and laugh through out the day and especially how silly it looked standing there with only an 18inch rod with 2lb of lead on at points.

    Just like to say thank you to all my lot for another great laugh on Meerkat.
    Unfortunately the fishing wasn't at its best so the rods didn't get the best test that we wanted them to get so next year we will be doing it all over again but this time big fish only.

    Any way the result this year 2016

    1st Billy Short 50 points winning the cash prize of £150 ( Meerkat)
    2nd Art Powell 47 points ( Meerkat)
    3rd Andrew Selby 45 points (Supanova)
    4th Simon Page (Supanova)
    5th Rob Field (Supanova)
    6th Dave lovelock (Meerkat)

    The best fish landed was aboard Supanova a 12lb Undulated Ray caught by Juggys winning £90

    Are best fish was a 10lb 4oz Undulated Ray caught by Scott Sheppard.
    Can't wait till next year already but once again a big thank you everyone for making this all happen.

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  • 25/09/2016 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    25 Sep 2016 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    Over four days of species fishing which included a two day annual Species/Hunt competition between the Barnes family team and Guildford City Sea Angling Club an impressive 34 different species were caught which included Ballions Wrasse, Leopard Spotted Goby, Gilt Head Bream, Painted Goby, Tom Pot Blenny, Rock Cook, Cuckoo Wrasse, Tub Gurnard etc, The Barnes family won the two day species/Hunt competition which was their first victory in the annual event. The top angler was MIck Doody, Runner Up - Les Barnes, Weakest Link - Roy.

    FLAMER IV 2016 Competition dates left -
    October 28th - 1 Day Species Comp/Hunt
    October 29th and 30th - 2 Day Species Comp/Hunt
    Flamer Festival Competition for the persons who fishes all three days October 28th,29th,30th
    November 6th - Wrasse Competition for Big Ballans
    November 18th - F.I.S.H Species Pairs
    November 19th and 20th F.I.S.H. Species Singles Competition
    December 30th - Winter Species Competition


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