Latest Fishing Reports: Somerset
Fishing Report by Tony Harrison
on Optimist (Portishead, Somerset)
5 Feb 2012 by Tony Harrison
Report on-board Optimist
I've been using the mantra "we'll find the fish". Over the past few days finding them has been hard, but we got there! We've been having to move about a bit in the channel to find the hot-spots, but we get there eventually! Today I had six anglers on board, and we went back into harbour with ten "in the box". Not too bad really. Fishing has been hard for the past week. But we DID find the fish!
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Fishing Report by Tony Harrison
on Optimist (Portishead, Somerset)
15 Jan 2012 by Tony Harrison
Report on-board Optimist
What a strange three day period - Friday - four people fishing, and we end the day with eighteen keepers. That's how it should be! Saturday - one codling all day. Today (Sunday 15th) and we get six keepers in under an hour, then not a bite for four hours..... I guess that's why it's called "fishing", not "catching". That old adage "wind's in the east, fish bite least" comes to mind! Plenty of time left in the current cod season though.
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Fishing Report by Tony Harrison
on Optimist (Portishead, Somerset)
8 Jan 2012 by Tony Harrison
Report on-board Optimist
The first trip out of 2012 went pretty well, with five anglers on board and eighteen cod in the fish box at the end of our trip. Everyone caught, which is always good news.
Fished about 1.5 miles from Clevedon on pretty calms seas. The amount of weed, and the number of tree-trunks and branches flowing down on the tide was amazing!
A couple more months of cod; still hoping for the really BIG day....!View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Tony Harrison
on Optimist (Portishead, Somerset)
4 Dec 2011 by Tony Harrison
Report on-board Optimist
Over the past week the whiting have been almost an epidemic, snaffling even the biggest baits intended for cod. Many of them are a good size, and have been taken for the pot.
Still some good sized thornbacks being boated, and a few codling although I suspect the cod are still chasing the abundant sprats in the upper channel. The sport will get better soon as the sprats thin out.
Whole squid seems to have the edge bait-wise, but by the time you read these words things may have changed, but that's fishing!View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Ash Bailey
on Optimist (Portishead, Somerset)
4 Dec 2011 by Ash Bailey
Report on-board Optimist
Another good day out on the Optimist; the fishing was hard going but the company was good! The coffee, bacon butties and pasties kept coming!
Fish of the day, Martin "Fat Bloke" Donovan's Thornack Ray of 10 lb 14 oz, another Thorny of 8 lb was also boated. Both released. Plenty of pan sized whiting thoughout the day, and a couple of coldling up to 4 lb or so.
Nice day out, great company on lumpy seas! See you all again soon.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Tony Harrison
on Optimist (Portishead, Somerset)
20 Nov 2011 by Tony Harrison
Report on-board Optimist
A bit of a mixed weekend - Saturday was constant, cod, whiting, dogs and thornies. Biggest cod of the season (so far!) was boated - see photo.
Sunday was quieter, but still a number of "keepers" on board, including a good few whiting and codling. The whiting yesterday were almost all big enough for a couple of decent fillets!
The channel was flat calm (again) over the weekend, fishing conditions are brilliant for the time of year.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Tony Harrison
on Optimist (Portishead, Somerset)
Nov 2011 by Tony Harrison
Report on-board Optimist
Seems a long time since my last update.... A good few days at sea, some very good, some good, some average. Cod starting to show in numbers, but more some days than others. Still plenty of Thornbacks around, and the Lesser Spotted Dogs are hanging around this Autumn to fill the slow bits....
Good to see six-year-old Leia Griffiths catch a Thornback on Saturday, see the photo on this site. I bet that grin takes a while to wear off!View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Tony Harrison
on Optimist (Portishead, Somerset)
22 Oct 2011 by Tony Harrison
Report on-board Optimist
Another successful day, some decent sized cod, conger and thornbacks boated, along with the inevitable doggies! Please see the photo of Rob in catch reports, with a couple of really nice sized "keepers".
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Fishing Report by Tony Harrison
on Optimist (Portishead, Somerset)
16 Oct 2011 by Tony Harrison
Report on-board Optimist
Just had four days of fishing in the Bristol Channel, mostly between Portishead and the Second Severn Crossing.
A good few codling showing, to six or seven pounds. A promising start for the season.
Highlights recently, a 13 pound Thornback yesterday and a 1 pound 10 ounce Dover Sole on Saturday.
Tight lines and wet nets to all!View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Tony Harrison
on Optimist (Portishead, Somerset)
1 Oct 2011 by Tony Harrison
Report on-board Optimist
The first of the cod are starting to show with fish upto just over 6 pound.
With the big spring tides over we hope the numbers of cod should show in the next few daysView Boats Page