Latest Fishing Reports: Dorset

  • 10/2006 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Oct 2006 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    The weather was not kind during October but on the trips that were done saw plenty of species and good fish caught. Lots of Black Bream, Bull Huss, Congers and some Cod from the reefs. Bass in the Portland race area and also some Cod. The Whiting have showed up on the Adamant Bank a sure sign winter is coming.

    The Flamer species count for 2006 is now 56 which equals 2005's,with a John Dory and a Twaite Shad being the two recent additions. Rays have been a feature of Octobers catches from marks to the east, west and the Kidney Bank. Darren Hill landed his personal best Thornback Ray weighing 15Ib 8oz.Several Blondes up to 20Ib were caught. How ever the best ray was caught by Merrik Knight with an Undulate Ray of 18Ib 8oz and is Flamer fish of the Month for October.

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  • 11/2006 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Nov 2006 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    The weather was really good for about the first week of November, then the winter gales set in putting pay to the fishing trips. The Black Bream stayed late and seemed to be every where with some big catches being made. Bass and Cod came from the mussel beds and Portland race area. On the reefs/banks Rays, Conger, Huss, Cod, Whiting and Bream were caught. Did some Species hunts/comps which are good at this time of year and they produced plenty of species.

    Flamer Fish of the Month for November was awarded to Dave Hobbs who caught a Striped Red Mullet weighing 2Ib 3oz which is a potential British record. It has been confirmed as a Striped Red Mullet by the British Museum. So it's a question of waiting for all the paper work to be done and the record verified.

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  • 12/2006 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Dec 2006 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    December lots of Congers up to 42Ib were caught on the in shore marks along with Bull Huss,Cod and Whiting.The best Whiting weighing 4Ib. The best Cod weighed 15Ib 10oz. On marks well to the West there were lots of Mackerel and Garfish caught while Whiting fishing. Species total for 2006 was 57. December Flamer Fish of the Month - Vince Whalmsley - Conger - 42Ib. DON'T MISS OUT - BOOK NOW FOR 2007

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