Latest Fishing Reports: Devon

  • 06/2016 Fishing Report by Simon Fisher on Just Fishing (Brixham, Devon)

    Jun 2016 by Simon Fisher

    Report on-board Just Fishing

    The Past week has seen " Just Fishing " of Brixham on the Wrecks and on the Banks.
    Out on the Wrecks the Cod are still showing however compared to last year not in as many numbers yet, however last year we were spoilt.... Still some nice plump summer Pollock around too.
    Our Mid week runs to the Skerries have been slowly improving in numbers and quality of Plaice,and a nice dab of 1lb 4 was had by boat regular Pete Flavell..also plenty of Dogfish and Gurnards on the outer rim of the banks. On the Ray Pits fishing has been very rewarding with some lovely Blonde Ray coming onboard, in with them the odd Small eyed Ray.
    We still have some individual spaces available for June, first of which is Sunday 26th's Reef,Roughs and Gullies trip £50 for a10hr trip!
    If you wish to join "Just Fishing" of Brixham please call us on 01803 530001 or visit us at

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  • 06/2016 Fishing Report by Simon Fisher on Just Fishing (Brixham, Devon)

    Jun 2016 by Simon Fisher

    Report on-board Just Fishing

    After my short break away "Just Fishing" of Brixham has been out in search of the Cod.
    Unfortunately we had missed the calm settled weather of the previous week and were given a dull day will a fresh SW breeze.
    It wasn't long until the first Rod was bent over and a Ling surfaced which was a nice surprise as it took a small jelly worm.
    As the day went on the breeze freshened which made the fishing a bit more tricky, Pollock were coming onboard as the tide started running as well as a real fat bellied Cod just shy of 16lb.
    As the day went on the boat was drifting too fast to make the fishing worth while so a steam into shallow water and an inshore wreck produced some more Pollock for the lads.
    Back out on the Wrecks next Sunday 19th with spaces available.
    Call 01803 530001 if you would like to join us

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  • 05/2016 Fishing Report by Simon Fisher on Just Fishing (Brixham, Devon)

    May 2016 by Simon Fisher

    Report on-board Just Fishing

    Bank Holiday weekend saw "Just Fishing" of Brixham out on the Wrecks...... Saturdays tides and conditions were perfect for targeting Ling, after a slow morning, the afternoon saw plenty of rod bending action with plenty of double figure fish being boated,an absolute cracking days fishing...... Sunday we steamed right out into the Channel in search of Cod and Pollock and again the morning saw the fish not playing ball, after a move to a couple more Wrecks we found some hard fighting Pollock and Chunky Cod, all caught on various colour sidewinder lures showing they were not fussy.
    Bank holiday Mondays wind was more breezy than the previous days but we set out again in search of Pollock and Cod,being an 8 hr trip we didnt travel as far.....once again the afternoon proved to be more productive with plenty of Pollock coming to the net, all ideal table eating size with a few double figure fish thrown in... All in all a great long weekends fishing and a great finish to the month.
    With the warmer weather now really on the way im really looking forward to next month where "Just Fishing" of Brixham will be visiting the reefs for Bass, continueing the Banks for Plaice and Ray aswell as the wrecks for more Ling trips planned but also targetting the Cod which are now here and also later in June and thoughout the summer targeting Black Bream and Conger..
    Thank you to all our Anglers for there support.
    To book your trip with us please call 01803 530001 or visit our website

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  • 28/05/2016 Fishing Report by Nigel Lihou on Optimist (Brixham, Devon)

    28 May 2016 by Nigel Lihou

    Report on-board Optimist

    Some really good fishing at the moment, the inshore wrecks are producing some lovely Pollack around the 5lb mark and the last trip produced 4 or 5 on every drift in near perfect conditions (wish it was like that every day) see the photos.
    The skerries are fishing well too with Plaice, Brill and Turbot among the species being caught along with some very nice Rays
    Why not join us for a day out and some good fishing aboard Optimist

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  • 18/05/2016 Fishing Report by Nigel Lihou on Optimist (Brixham, Devon)

    18 May 2016 by Nigel Lihou

    Report on-board Optimist

    May has now well and truly arrived and the fishing is excellent, still no sign of Mackerel in quantity but the there are a few around close to the shore, on the wrecks we have been catching some lovely Pollack and a few Pouting and some silver Whiting and surprisingly the inshore wrecks are fishing very well. On the banks we have had some great trips with some nice Plaice coming aboard, we have also boated Brill and Turbot both nice to see in our part of the world with Launce for bait being caught on the edge of the banks. Bait wise Lures are still working well on the wrecks whilst on the banks we have been experimenting as well as the usual Ragworm and Squid, Mackerel and Launce, Black Lug seems to working well as does Garlic Prawn, even Chilli Prawn has brought Plaice to the boat and as you would expect at this time of year Cuttle works well.
    So if you want a great days fishing at a reasonable cost with some like minded people give us a call and look forward to a good day aboard Optimist

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  • 05/2016 Fishing Report by Simon Fisher on Just Fishing (Brixham, Devon)

    May 2016 by Simon Fisher

    Report on-board Just Fishing

    Apologies for a gap in my fishing reports but they will now be updated often........
    Its been a really mixed bag onboard " Just Fishing ". Us along with many others have been hampered by the winds which has meant we have lost a fair few days out.
    Fishing the Skerries banks have produced quite a few different species. The Plaice are not yet in great numbers but the ones that have been caught are a nice size. On the deep Gullies we have had plenty of Blonde Ray, one of which was easily pushing late twenties to thirty pound, but unfortunately due to another line being tangled round the hook it snapped off on the surface just before being netted, it gave a great fight though for boat regular Pete Flavell who struggled to get it off the bottom even with his 50lb rod outfit... Shame we didnt boat it but then thats fishing!
    On the roughs we've seen some great action targeting Smoothounds and Huss and have also had some Thornback Ray taking the baits......
    Out on the wrecks i have said we have lost plenty of days so far this year due to strong winds, the days we have managed to get out have still seen some nice sized Pollock and some very nice Whiting of 3lb plus also now the Cod are starting to show which im hoping will be on par with last years Cod run.
    We're looking forward to be targeting the Ling again on the smaller tides, something which we have missed out on so far this year due to weather and charters targeting other species so be sure to check out our website for dates ect...
    Also now the water is warming up we will soon be targeting Black Bream which im looking forward to.
    Also we are now running our Reef and Roughs trips regularly which will target Pollock,Cod,Ling,Bass and even John Dory, at £50pp for 9hrs its a great price for a day out.
    Look forward to seeing you onboard "Just Fishing" out from Brixham soon.
    01803 530001

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  • 04/2016 Fishing Report by Ross Parham on Spot On! (Brixham, Devon)

    Apr 2016 by Ross Parham

    Report on-board Spot On!

    April seems to have continued the trend of the 'NE & E' direction winds which has meant a lot of lost days at sea for Spot On of Brixham.

    However on the occasion we have managed to squeeze a trip or 2 in the fishing has been very up and down to be honest. Some days producing quality fish, some days producing quantity of fish and some days have been just bumper days with it all mixed together.

    It has been a great year so far for Ling for Spot On with already many fish in the 20lb+ mark and a couple of 30lb+ mark also boated.

    We are seeing more and more cod each trip with our last wreking trip seeing 5 boated so this is early for them so lets hope its another great year for the cod for Spot On like the last few years have been.

    A lonely Coalfish has also made an appearance making one angler very happy as he has spent a lifetime trying to catch one.

    Most of the fish have been coming to Sidewinders with a few Long caught on bait.

    Thanks to sidewinders again for there sponsorship and continued support.

    A 2 day 'red eye' Guernsey trip was squeezed in and I am glad to say the food is still great at the La Perla restaurant, wreck fishing wasn't bad either with each angler taking home plenty of fillets that were prepared by crew man Phil as usual.

    Hopefully May will bring some settled weather as we have a few Guernsey trips booked in and the calendar is nearly full so my fingers and toes are crossed for some nice weather.

    Pictured is not something you see every day, a drift with Sidewinder lures producing 3 Ling all over 20lb in weight each, we would have had a couple more but they bit through the trace line's during the fight.

    Remember there is only one Catamaran that operates from Brixham and only one 'Spot On', Brixham's premier charter boat.

    Taking bookings for 2017
    Please call or txt 07878668662.

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    Mon 09/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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    Tue 10/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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    Wed 11/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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    Thu 12/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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    Fri 13/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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  • 05/04/2016 Fishing Report by Brian Baverstock on Spot On! (Brixham, Devon)

    5 Apr 2016 by Brian Baverstock

    Report on-board Spot On!

    Great trip as always, first decent Coalfish I've had in nearly 20 years! Great piece of boatwork to retrieve it when it fell off the hook! Ross worked hard all day to keep us in the fish and we are looking forward to our trip later in the year. Many thanks again Ross, Mike and Brian

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    Mon 09/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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    Tue 10/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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    Wed 11/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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    Thu 12/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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    Fri 13/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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  • 05/04/2016 Fishing Report by Nigel Lihou on Optimist (Brixham, Devon)

    5 Apr 2016 by Nigel Lihou

    Report on-board Optimist

    April 5th, a great days fishing on the Skerries Bank with a variety of species coming aboard and as usual a few surprises. There were Plaice although not plentiful they were still of a reasonable size, Blonde Ray made an appearance with the usual fight to get it aboard. We also had Launce for bait on the banks edge with Herring and Silver Whiting. The biggest surprise of the day was line caught Spider crab of a good size brought aboard by Matt Crisp from the midlands not once, not twice but three times the third one returned as it was a berried hen he now proudly boasts the title of "Spiderman" Once again the Skerries Bank produces a great days fishing with a twist, sadly towards the end of the session the wind gained in strength and made the last hour rather uncomfortable but due to its direction made for a speedy ride home. Why not join us for the day and be the one to boat yet another surprise species that is all in a day's fishing on Optimis

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  • 03/2016 Fishing Report by Ross Parham on Spot On! (Brixham, Devon)

    Mar 2016 by Ross Parham

    Report on-board Spot On!

    The first wrecking trip targeting Ling on board Spot On from Brixham and what a great trip it was.

    Ling to 34lb, Pollock to 15lb, whiting to 3lb, gurnard to over 4lb and the first cod of 2016!

    Nothing much more to say except thanks guys for catching lots of quality fish and making the day enjoyable, over 40 ling, a few boxes of pollock and glorious sunshine.

    Again cementing Spot On as Brixhams number one premier charter boat.

    Bookings are now being taken for 2017 and filling up fast, please book early to avoid dissapointment.

    Pictured is Jay struggling to hold up the super fat Ling of 34lb

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    Mon 09/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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    Tue 10/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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    Wed 11/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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    Thu 12/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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    Fri 13/06/2025 5 Spaces £550.00pp
    5 day Alderney trip. Brill / Turbot.
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