Latest Fishing Reports: Wales

  • 21/10/2010 Fishing Report by David Hancock on Excel 2 (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)

    21 Oct 2010 by David Hancock

    Report on-board Excel 2

    Tides building nicely this week but we are beset by wind .
    Luckily the cod and whiting are close inshore so we can get out to them in sheltered waters.
    Squid, cuttlefish and lugworm proving to be the most effective baits, in that order.

    Happy Hookin,

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  • 17/10/2010 Fishing Report by Ivan fitzgerald on Supreme (Rhyl, Denbighshire)

    17 Oct 2010 by Ivan fitzgerald

    Report on-board Supreme

    Booked a trip last minute as an individual with skipper Steve Andrews on the supreme 2. It was a 10 hour trip on the river mersey, the weather was good. Had a great day i caught lots of rays,whiting and dog fish. The other lads caught dog fish,cod,dab and whiting.
    For the first trip out on this boat i found it to be excellent, and the skipper was knowledgable and helpful with tips, and when we found that the fishing was drying up in a particular spot he was more than willing to move to another spot.
    I think i can say for myslf and for the other lads that we can reccomend this boat whether you're an individual or a group.
    There were three first time fisherman on board and they all had a good day using the skipper's rods and rigs which never failed to catch them some fish.
    Id just like to say thanks to the skipper and all the lads on the boat for the food, drink, especially Jules as his curry and onion bargies hit the spot.
    Hope to catch up with them all again sometime soon.
    Ivan Fitz

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  • 18/10/2010 Fishing Report by David Hancock on Excel 2 (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)

    18 Oct 2010 by David Hancock

    Report on-board Excel 2

    Small tides and a bit of wind this week has meant the catches have been disappointing as we`ve not been able to get to where we`d like to go. Never mind the option of going shopping was worse ! Thankfully there`s been plenty of doggies and whiting pulling the strings at Kent charter fishing.
    This week should see normal service resume as the tides are building and the wind going westerly, all in our favour for Kent charter fishing from Ramsgate.


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  • 09/2010 Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)

    Sep 2010 by Gethyn Owen

    Report on-board My Way 2

    Sadly September was a very hard month weather wise, following the reasonably settled spring and summer months of 2010, early indications for autumn were gloomy with low pressures appearing to dominate the pressure charts.

    September did however start off on a high, with very settled high pressure and sunshine bearing down on us for the first few days. Drifting offered plenty of ballan and cuckoo wrasse, with weights up to 5lb and 1lb 8oz respectively. I even managed to snare myself a decent wrasse during 1 trip out and break a long standing 4lb pb with a fish of 4lb 10oz.
    The first week of September saw us fishing with the Armed Forces. Teams of 9 anglers from the Army, Navy and RAF fished a hard battle against one another in the prestigious Inter Services Boat Angling Championships, a full report is available on our website.

    Inshore and the fishing was fairly hectic once again with a good variety of fish coming aboard My Way. Along with some good spotted rays, we had a few thornies and a few good blondes.
    Other species included the world famous Welsh Tiger Shark, yep honest, it was reported so in the papers a few years ago - we normally call them dogfish though :-). Plenty of red & grey gurnards around along with a few nice tubs. The Tub Gurnard is not a fish we catch in abundance, but 2010 has seen a fair few around the 2lb mark. Further catches inshore included pollack, huss, whiting, codling, smoothies, dabs, plaice, strap congers and a few others.

    We managed a few trips into Holyhead Deep, however after 5 excellent months gone by with huss, tope and spurs in abundance, the trips of September returned very few hard fighting sharks. Plenty of huss, however only a handful of tope and a few small spurs were really all that put bends in the rods.

    Above one of the many red gurnards that we've landed this year. This was Mike's first ever red, so a great catch for him that was photographed a fair few times :).
    With the weather playing it's part in scuppering a fair number of days afloat during September, I have slowly been building up our Fish Identification pages. They have been under construction for a fair while now and really still have a little way to go. The pages are not designed as a complete species reference tool, more a photographic identification of the many species caught aboard My Way.

    There is however a small amount of text to assist with id and also some facts about the specie -

    Here ends our brief September report, hopefully a better October will help forget a few of the woes that September brought. Currently though, a F6 to 7 NE has put paid to todays outing, though with some high pressure looking to move in early next week I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
    Enjoy your fishing where ever you go ....

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  • 02/10/2010 Fishing Report by Gwyn Andrews on Goldilocks (Rhyl, Denbighshire)

    2 Oct 2010 by Gwyn Andrews

    Report on-board Goldilocks

    Fished the Mersey today.25 rays numerous whiting, dabs and dogfish.Never really tried for codling but the odd ones been taken on other boats.I would be expecting a few on the next set of to follow

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  • 09/2010 Fishing Report by Steve Andrews on Supreme (Rhyl, Denbighshire)

    Sep 2010 by Steve Andrews

    Report on-board Supreme

    First trip of the winter out of Liverpool Marina today 29/09/10 had some mersey newbies on never fished in the tide before managed 15 thornback rays between them some cracking whiting and dabs ,and the enevitable dogs one of the other boats that was out had a couple of coddling as well as thornbacks ,lets hope it continues will add a couple of photos later cheers steve

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  • 25/09/2010 Fishing Report by Ian Pratt on Celtic Wildcat (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)

    25 Sep 2010 by Ian Pratt

    Report on-board Celtic Wildcat

    You have to be keen to go shark fishing. Well that's what I told myself anyway when the alarm went at 0350 and I drove down to Neyland for an 0700 departure.

    Anyway, a great group of 8 lads onboard for the last Danglers shark trip of the 2010 season - last chance saloon for this year.

    I was really looking forward to the day - I've already had a PB 130lb shark this year so was pretty relaxed - one under the belt; just have fun.. A few of the lads were virgins though and so the pressure was really on them to boat the big blue of a lifetime....

    It's stunning motoring down the Haven on an Autumn morning. Nothing better. Good company, a day at sea, and a glorious Pembrokeshire sunrise. We rounded St Ann's and the swell picked up a little but nothing too horrendous. The northerly airflow made the air crystal clear and you could see for miles and miles.....right up to Grassholm and beyond

    We stopped off at the Barrels to load up with mackerel. It took a little longer than usual as there was plent of small stuff. We also pulled in a few codling and pollack. Anyway, boxed up with chum, we motored way offshore to the shark grounds 28 miles from nowhere. The water was inky black and clear and soon the slick was oozing its oily summons to the ocean predators.

    We didn't have to wait long - not even a boiling kettle length. First up we saw the shark dorsals patrolling around the boat right on the surface, taking in the heady mix of yummy, chummy mackerel. Then, the first shark headed toward one of the outside floats and made a dive. Moments later, the ratchet screamed off with the first run of the day.

    After a good account of itself, Jason boated the first blue - so we knew it was going to be a good day. Well done fella.

    We then had quite few really good runs which were lost - either through a dropped bait or through a combination of equipment failure and poor technique! The sharks also happily ploughed through everyone's lines as they made off with their free lunch causing a couple of small tangles and lost end tackle.

    In between the runs, we watched the dolphins and gannets and some of the lads entertained themselves with the garfish - I think we had a round 20 all of a good size. These also proved by far the best bait for the blues as well as for tea!

    The old shark-meister himself, Cpt. Pennar Pointer then demonstrated how it should be done. A text book handling of the run and playing the fish to oscar performance standard.

    Now shark virgin Paul is normally the calmest and most placid man on the boat. However, having lost two very good fish earlier in the day, he was having to count to 10 quite often. Sharking does that to a man. Finally, he had a third run and this time, the fish stayed on.

    Paul took his time and let the fish tire out, playing the clutch like a pro. This was a young male blue and boy did he go like a train - or maybe a lift: up and down; up and down; up and down

    Well done Paul. A virgin no more. Congratulations

    Huw Nash and Clive share another blue - in all I think we boated 5 and lost at least as many.

    SkipperNick gave us a superb day out. Sharking on Celtic Wildcat is excellent fun with plenty of deck to space out - and to safely land and unhook the fish and take a quick photo. Thanks Nick for looking after us on the sharkers this year and we look forward to the ones we've already booked with you for next year. Great value for a 12 hour trip so far offshore and always bang on the fish.

    Finally got home around 2130 and more than ready for a quick beer! What a day. Happy but tired.


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  • 23/09/2010 Fishing Report by David Hancock on Excel 2 (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)

    23 Sep 2010 by David Hancock

    Report on-board Excel 2

    Autumn Treats,
    Big bass showing in amongst a few early codling and the usual doggies, whiting and pouting.
    2 nice ones so far today for Brian No2 from Bexleyheath. Both to lug baits meant for codling.


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  • 18/09/2010 Fishing Report by David Hancock on Excel 2 (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)

    18 Sep 2010 by David Hancock

    Report on-board Excel 2

    The Bromley Boys cam on their annual beano yesterday.
    Heads were hanging low after a late night in the hotel bar, not the brightest of ideas before fishing but heyho we are here to have fun !
    As the tides were fairly small and the wind fresh we stayed inshore, hopeing for some more codling.
    Expectations were high and large lug baits were sent seawards for the coddies to sniff out.
    Sure enough the coddies found them, no large fish all in the 2 to 4lb range but a great day close to home.

    Get on down with a bucket of lug. Remember that with 4 or more on a weekday we'll go !


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  • 17/09/2010 Fishing Report by Ian Pratt on Celtic Wildcat (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)

    17 Sep 2010 by Ian Pratt

    Report on-board Celtic Wildcat

    My arms have only just recovered enought to post this you know we had a good day.

    12 members of the Danglers club steamed out from Neyland on Celtic Wildcat to fish the Hats and Barrels reefs. A lovely calm early Autumn day in the Haven and a little fresher as we rounded out into the ocean and headed out past Grassholm. The northerly air flow gave us super visibility at this wonderful Pembrokeshire location.

    It was pretty much non-stop codling from the start of the day to the end. They came on every lure and shad from sidewinders to goldfish and fire-tails as well as hokkais. The majority were just in size so went back but we all had a few fillets from the larger specimens to take home.

    The pollack - usually the main predators on these reefs - were fewer in numbers but they did make an appearance. The codling were so prolific, some Danglers were actually heard to complain that it was getting too exhausting - drop then nodding bite; drop then nodding bite; drop then nodding bite......! All day, every drift, drift after drift. The codling which were coming to the boat and immediately going back were specimens that would make for a good day out of Penarth in the winter months....

    Anyway, catch of the day by a very very long mile was young Luke from Dale with a lovely codling which came on large red hokkais.

    Later on, following the diving gannets and other bird action, we tried for mackerel and caught strings of mini joeys. We also had ballan and cuckoo wrasse.

    So a good H&Bs trip all round. A huge thank you to skipper Nick O'Sullivan who worked hard all day to keep us busy and gave us a great day out. As ever a lovely trip on a superb boat with a hugely knowledgeable and helpful skipper.

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