Latest Fishing Reports: Wales
Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen
on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
Sep 2010 by Gethyn Owen
Report on-board My Way 2
Inter-Servics Boat Angling Championships
During the last few days of August and start of September, we helped organise and took part in the Inter-Services Boat Angling Championships. This event sees angling teams from the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force fish against each other for the coveted Inter-Service Boat Angling Champions position.
With individual and team honours at stake, let alone bragging rights between our armed forces this was going to be a hotly contested event.
The first couple days were handed over to practice and qualification days for all the teams. With all services having extra anglers to that required for the Championships, the rods were having to finely tune rigs and fish hard to make the grade for the 2 day event at the end of the week.
Sadly the fishing wasn’t up to scratch at all. Battered by gale force North Westerly winds over the previous weekend, the water in Holyhead Bay was extremely dark in colour and the fish extremely noticeable … by their absence. That said it was in a way slightly better time to help gauge the abilities and adaptability of the anglers on show.
I guess most people can catch fish when they’re leaping onto the hooks 3 at a time with very little effort required, with these sort of conditions the anglers would have to work at their rigs, bait presentation and over all tactics to squeeze out the opposing teams.
Fortunately the weather was dry and sunny all week, and with the forecast towards the end of the week for calm still waters it was decided to take all 3 boats booked in the e vent to Treaddur Bay. Sheltered from a NW gale, the seas of Treaddur Bay would be clean and the fish in a more playful manner. Similar to most events that I help organise the 6hrs competition fishing was split into 3 differing styles:-
1) Drifting over rough ground 2) Shallow broken ground anchor 3) Deep rough ground anchor
Thus over these differing marks, species should vary, along with fishing styles.
The event over the 2 days was hotly contested with some excellent anglers from all 3 teams vying for boat wins all the way through. A variety of species caught included dogs, whiting, gurnard, huss, rays, wrasse, codling, pollack, various mini species a few black bream and many others.
On working out the final scores over the 2 days, it was clear that the RAF had succeeded in retaining the Inter Services Crown, with a steady and very professional performance over the 2 days.
Further to this, the RAF anglers had also claimed the top 3 positions within the individual championships. Welsh International Boat angler Mark Owen taking first place from England Squad member Andy Deavin. 3rd place went to Daz Rose ... not a bad achievement for a fella who hadn’t made the practice days and had the journey from hell getting to the event from far north of Scotland
Ooh, and My Way managed top boat / skipper :)View Boats Page
Fishing Report by David Hancock
on Excel 2 (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)
16 Sep 2010 by David Hancock
Report on-board Excel 2
First couple of inshore codling on the boat.
Wayhay, winter`s here !!!
nice to see in amongst the bass , whiting, dogs and pouts. hopefully the weather gods will be kind to us this winter season and we`ll be able to get out for some cracking sport close to home .
Dave.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by David Hancock
on Excel 2 (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)
1 Sep 2010 by David Hancock
Report on-board Excel 2
Tuesday and Wednesday this week we went a fair way south from our normal grounds for a little adventure.
The trips certainly paid off as we had great fishing with a good variety of fish hitting the decks of Excel 2. On both days when the tide was running at it's hardest we drifted for bass with good results. Great to have anglers setting new PB's . The fishing was really exciting as the bass hit the baits hard as we drifted through the White water of a tide rip on the edge of a bank.
As the tide slackened we did drifts further along the series of banks picking up plaice and gurnards to dragged lugworm baits. On both days we anchored for a while as the tide was gentle to try for a blonde ray or two, sadly we didn't see any on these trips , just a few of them pesky dogfish !
When the tide started to run hard again it was time to feather up a few mackeral to take home nice and fresh in the cool box, then off home after a great days fishing.
Dave.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by David Hancock
on Excel 2 (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)
30 Aug 2010 by David Hancock
Report on-board Excel 2
Small tides this week off to the wrecks for some Black Bream and some Big Blondes on the banks .
Next week it's monster tides so Bass will be the target species, probably the best time of year for a proper lunker.
Keep everything crossed !
Dave.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen
on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
Aug 2010 by Gethyn Owen
Report on-board My Way 2
Part way through August and with westerly winds of 25mph approaching, I thought I’d write a report on the fishing so far this month. The first day of August saw the conclusion of The WFSA Boat Team qualifiers, fished from Holyhead. Weather tried to scupper the matches during both weekends; however the anglers taking part slugged it out, often in difficult windy conditions to record an array of species and a fair number of fish. Congratulations go to Jon Law, who topped the table, along with the title of Wales’ number one boat angler, well done!
Early August and the weather once again became fairly unpredictable. One day we would have no wind, sunshine and some excellent fishing around the coast, then the following day we would be restricted to inshore marks, scratching for a variety of species and crossing fingers for a double figure something to put a bend in the rod.
August 02nd and 3rd were prime individual’s day on the 2nd was greeted by flat calm seas and the chance to run out to Holyhead Deep, for some possible tope and spur action. Here we managed to land a fair number of tope to 36lb and spurdogs to 16lb, along with numerous huss. However the NW 2 forecasted turned into a NW 4, which left a rather lumpy ride back in. On the morning of the 3rd, with slightly higher winds, I took the decision not to venture to the deeps, caught out in a NW for the previous day; we couldn’t take the risk of stronger winds that afternoon.
It was a good call, the wind certainly picked up, though we we’re able to fish in the relative safety and calmer waters around Holyhead Bay. Fishing wasn’t as prolific; certainly a variety of species but the guys struggled for anything of note. I say guys, as Gina, the only lady on the trip showed them all up, quite possibly in fish count but also with the addition of 2 firsts, a spotted ray and a thornback ray!
On 06th August, the weather was blowing a force 6 southerly and the rain was, well, very wet!!! We could’ve sheltered quite happily behind the breakwater in calm water for a variety of species, however getting soaked wet through. Chatting with the lads we decided to knock the day on the head, there will always be another time.
With strong winds still forecasted for the 07th, I had a chat with the crew from St Helens informing them that the deeps looked a no go, however if they we’re happy to come down early – we could get to the mussel beds and try for rays and huss.
Everyone was happy with this call and our day was planned. In the morning though, the winds had eased and the forecast looked promising (another I don’t know what’s happening forecast from the Met Office). So after a brief chat to see if anyone had a rush to get home, our day was lengthened from 8hrs to 11 and a half in the end to get the LW slack in the deeps. So after a variety of species inshore including, wrasse and pollock on the drift, dogs, gurnards, whiting etc at anchor we ventured out to the deeps – where tope, spurs and big huss saw a brilliant end to a good days fishing.
There’s an old saying regarding our sport being called ‘Fishing and not Catching’. More anglers need to realise this and not expect the world every time they set sail. I’ve had the good fortune to fish with the St Helens guys for a fair few years now, this year in particular they have had 2 pretty duff trips with me with the weather scuppering our planned days afloat, then bingo, things seem to go our way.
Oh for 12 months a year of flat calm sunny days!
The last tide of the early August neaps saw us set sail once again with only 2 things on our minds …. Wrasse and Deeps! Well actually 3 things, food as well. When the RAFA lads come out to play, we eat, eat, eat and also land a few decent fish as well. During this day, we we’re also joined by Phill Williams from Boat Fishing Monthly and Fishing Film and Facts fame.
Before we had even set sail, I threw the sausages and bacon one of the lads had brought into the oven, these would provide breakfast for us an hr later. We started the day drifting for wrasse and pollack. Eventually making our way over to another area of rough ground that we knew held quality wrasse, with the odd pollack and codling. No one was disappointed; with single and double shots of wrasse over 3lb coming over the gunwales.
After a few hrs of hectic drifting we had to move off the mark as the tide had changed and anchored up in Trearddur Bay for just over an hr, simply to while away some time before the tide had dropped sufficiently for us to anchor and fish the deeps with success.
At 250foot depth and a very strong tide, a minimum of 2lb is required even during the last hr of the tide (thought we do get an hr at 8oz as well).
I’d love to tell you about all the species we caught here, but we never really fished, most of the time was spent talking in the sunshine, football, jokes and anticipation of the deeps and the chilli and curry we had on the menu for later.
Well the deeps didn’t disappoint – plenty of tope and spurs, however the size had fallen. Whereas most of 2010 has seen spurs over the 10lb bracket, this time around we we’re plagued by spurdogs around the 5lb mark. That said, many on the trip caught their first ever, that’s always a big plus, with a couple lads also catching a tope for the first time, with Jay catching his first 10lb+ bull huss from a great depth of water! I won’t though go into detail of someone calling net for a ray that turned out to be a plastic bag!
The food, well, Martin’s chilli was awesome, Jon’s curry was fiery and Trish’s fairy cakes where out of this world. Fishing is good fun, but made all the more enjoyable with some great food as well.
Phill Williams hopped onboard to tie up some loose ends from earlier this year surrounding spurdogs - an article for the UK’s only Boat Fishing Magazine - Boat Fishing Monthly, a spurdog video and also a podcast for his website Fishing Film and Facts. The podcast has recently been upload and can be listened to by clicking The video s due for release soon
With bigger tides and some breezy conditions, the following week saw most of our fishing restricted to Holyhead Bay. That said, with species including, dogs, dabs, whiting, codling, pollack, wrasse, red, grey and tub gurnards, smoothhound, thornbacks, spotties, blondes amongst the catches, a good time afloat was had by all (well most, lol).
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Fishing Report by Ian Pratt
on Celtic Wildcat (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)
18 Aug 2010 by Ian Pratt
Report on-board Celtic Wildcat
Well I was convinced this offshore trip was going to be a victim of the weather. Thankfully I was so so wrong and 8 of the Danglers' finest sporting fishermen gathered in Neyland yesterday morning to board Celtic Wildcat for our second shark trip of the season.
As we motored out to pick up the mackerel, Paul Martin, skipper of Atlantic Blue, kindly radioed over to say he was into the shoals off the H&Bs reefs. His on the spot update helped us with a shorter than usual diversion for our feathering and was greatly appreciated. The shoals were in thick so it took hardly any time to fill a box with mackie and off we went.
The steaming 30+ miles offshore was a bit lively in the fresh conditions and we hit the odd rain squall but soon we mercifully silenced those powerful engines, the slick oozed it's oily path downtide, the sun came out, the gear went overboard, the sandwiches came out...and the wait began. I think I even heard the distant whistle of the kettle. And you know what that usually means.....
Yup, 45 minutes into the drift and with the tea not yet poured, Aled was the first one to have a distinct run and he set the mark for the day with a lovey blue
Soon after, the only shark "virgin" onboard, had a nice take and after enjoying a good fight was initiated not only as a sharker but a 3 figure one at around 103lbs!
Then it was Steve's turn up on the bow who landed a lovely 120lber (the second of thre 3 figure fish to be landed today) then a nice one for Ian M. Young Bob lost a small porbeagle at the side of the boat after a good fight but made up for it with 2 more blues. After toying with the garfish for a while, Greg boated another lovely Blue. Jason shared a fish with Rich so everyone caught one.
Hang on - let me just check those numbers? Wait a mo. There's one missing?
Can you guess who it is yet?
Yes, in the final minutes of the trip, I had a gentle run and then a massive slab of concrete took off at speed and gave me a tremendous fight. Amidst the usual heckling from the cheaper stalls along the lines of "Oscar", I had a right old struggle on my hands. Finally boated my PB of 132lb blue shark
I'd had all my trips blown off last year so it was good to get out there again and also try my new reel which I'd bought of "Wheelie-Bay Ian". Handled like a dream thank goodness.
So a superb day out for everyone. Huge thanks to Skipper Nick O'Sullivan and Celtic Wildcat for working so hard to make the day a special and memorable one for all the Danglers onboard. Nick couldn't have worked harder for us all day from making the tea, grinding the chum, expertly and safely handling the sharks oh - and skippering the boat. Thank Nick - I won't be forgetting this one in a hurry....And we have another 2 shark trips with you on Celtic Wildcat still to come!
IanView Boats Page
Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen
on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
Jul 2010 by Gethyn Owen
Report on-board My Way 2
Following the glorious weather of April, May and June that saw My Way set sail on most days with settled seas and sunshine, July in contrast has been windy, dull and with every cloud more and more rain fell on our anglers.
Never the less, we have managed to get afloat and find solace somewhere, with the fish usually helping us enjoy another day afloat. Early July, it was simply scratching around for a variety of species. Our few Black Bream of the year started making an appearance early on, nothing of any great size, but still a little bit of sport on light gear.
Wrasse and inshore pollack, a firm favourite, have also proved to be a great hit once again. Slow to appear this year, the wrasse have started to become plentiful with ballan, corkwing, cuckoo and goldsinney wrasse all making an appearance, the rock cook tho still eluding My Way in 2010. Towards the end of July, the ballan sizes started increasing and reaching the 4lb mark
Sadly, the weather has often curtailed our trips to the deeps this month.
But when there the sport has been prolific with spurdog, huss and tope making an appearance on all of our trips to the deeper water. Reeling in a double figure shark, often over 40lb from 200foot of water really is an accomplishment, even the fittest and strongest among us require a rest after such an exhilarating fight.
Rays have been plentiful through July, nothing exceptional in ray size, but certainly plenty for the anglers to catch; with spotted and small blonde rays making up the majority, with the odd small blonde and a few bigger ones thrown in for good measure. Tope have also moved inshore, but these are often hit and miss and never really as predictable as in the deeper waters.
We have now finally got our tide files sorted for 2011 and bookings are already flowing in for a variety of species and tides. Please feel free to check out our availability for the remainder of 2010 and also 2011 and mail or call us to discuss your next trip.
Short and sweet today, Happy Fishing for AugustView Boats Page
Fishing Report by David Hancock
on Excel 2 (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)
26 Jul 2010 by David Hancock
Report on-board Excel 2
Another double figure bass hit the deck of Excel 2 today.
Well done Joe Fidock on capturing a superbly conditioned 11 3/4 lb fish.
Bait was a halved mackeral fillet fished hard on the bottom.
Inshore fishing continues to go from strength to strength at Ramsgate, ignore the miseries that say there`s no fish. We know better and can find them !
The next couple of months will be belters, i promise . . .
Dave.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Aaron Smith
on Bad Boyz VI (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
23 Jul 2010 by Aaron Smith
Report on-board Bad Boyz VI
Just a quick one to show how the fishing is doing, went 6 lads out yesterday and accompanied with nice weather and small tides allowed us to steam off to the famous Holyhead Deeps, with mixed thoughts from a month back al fingers were crossed.
Arrived to anchor up for slack at 3 with the sun shineing bright, all rigs whent down including flowing traces for tope and huss aswell as feathers to try find some of the big whitting that lurk in deeper water too my home made spurdog rig and within 5 minutes of the baits hitting the bites started and with all the feathers destroyed by fish within seconds and everyone on the flowing traces and spurdog rigs hauling fish in it was obvious what rigs were needed.
The action did not stop for one minute even finding the fish nearly a hundred feet up from the bottom but just over 2 hours later the tide was nearly unfishable and being time to be heading in we called lines up and had a quick talk to calculate the amount of fish we had, which were - nealry 80 spurdogs, 25 huss and 6 tope including some lovely whitting and amazing lee enough not a single dogfish the days we always with for haha !!!!View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Gwyn Andrews
on Goldilocks (Rhyl, Denbighshire)
10 Jul 2010 by Gwyn Andrews
Report on-board Goldilocks
71lb tope caught by england international Steve Quinn
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