Latest Fishing Reports: Wales
Fishing Report by glen smith
on Supreme (Rhyl, Denbighshire)
11 Jul 2009 by glen smith
Report on-board Supreme
At last!!!!! Nezza caught a tope today,now your the "DOPE WITH A TOPE" Nezza.Then Geoff "THE BALLOON!!" caught a nice bass, but the whimp wouldn't have a photo with it until someone introduced it to a priest.Hope it tastes nice Geoff.Best fish of the day went to Paul 2 from Stockport 41lb,not bad for his first tope! Bad luck to Paul 1 from Stockport though,as he had been fishing with the tope rod ,but got bored and swapped with Paul 2 who was catching maccies for bait. Within 10 minutes along came the forty pounder.Eight tope, 1 huss,1 bass, plus maccies,gurnard,whiting,and weavers.It would have been a much better fishing day if the maccies had shown on 'Q'.But they didn't so we coudn't get to our first choice mark until later.Never the less with an excellent skipper and a good group of lads, and good weather,it was an enjoyable day!
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Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen
on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
Jul 2009 by Gethyn Owen
Report on-board My Way 2
Unlike the past couple of years, good fortune has finally fallen upon us with June far more settled than the previous couple of years. Light winds and plenty of sunshine has seen us set sail on many occasions, searching for a variety of species whether it be on the drift or hard at anchor.
Smoothhounds continued into June, but became harder as the weather improved. With the catches dwindling we soon resigned ourselves to wait for the 2nd run later on this year.
Drifting the many rocky outcrops that surround the north western edge of Anglesey can be a fantastic experience not only from the fishing but the scenery as well, South Stack and its array of birdlife including the likes of cormorants and puffins always a favourite with the camera buffs. Close in under these cliffs however; anglers have been having a field day with numerous catches of pollack, coalie, mackerel & wrasse - ballans, cuckoos and corkwings. Using light sensor tips and an average ballan size of 2.5lb, the ballan wrasse fights extremely well; with tackle certainly under test when you have a brace fighting in all directions.
A recent surprise whilst drifting this mark came in the form of a Topknot. Weighing no more than 4 or 5 oz, this is certainly this fish of the year so far, A first for it’s captor Monty Burns, but also a first ever aboard My Way and a welcome addition to our species tally for the 2009.
Anchor work has improved with each passing day. Inshore has seen a variety of species including, gurnards, red, grey and tub, huss, mini specie, ray – thornback & blonde, smoothies and congers to name a few. Offshore marks are also starting to produce a few nice fish.
From mid June we turn our attentions a bit more to chasing after the tope. With settled weather on Thursday of last week Paul Whittle took the helm of My Way for me in search of some double figure shark action at the bottom of Holyhead Deep. With only a 3hr window to fish, the crew from Merseyside were rewarded with 20 tope to 25lb, over 20 huss averaging 16ld and a couple spurdogs, along with whiting and dogfish. The best of the spurdog last month went to Sam Smith with a cracking 17lb 13oz specimen. Not bad for our first foray after Holyhead’s tope. As time progresses the numbers should increase along with the size of tope.
Chicken cam is proving a bit of a hit and adding a little fun to our days fishing The unfortunate soul who is first to leave a rod un attended whilst venturing to the toilet is rewarded on return to his or her rod with the fight of a lifetime. Chicken cam is certainly raising a giggle amongst the crews, no one knowing when the chicken will be despatched!View Boats Page
Fishing Report by David Hancock
on Excel 2 (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)
Jun 2009 by David Hancock
Report on-board Excel 2
June has been a super month again, lots of cod on the wrecks.
When we`ve been inshore there`s been a good supply of Large Smooth hounds, good catches of skate and the Bass are showing in numbers, along with the ever present doggies !
Now looking forward to July for those Big Momma Bass !
Top tip, Fresh Mackeral fillets fished hard on the bottom in coloured water will get results.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Steve Andrews
on Supreme (Rhyl, Denbighshire)
22 Jun 2009 by Steve Andrews
Report on-board Supreme
we had the efsa english section hold its comp from rhyl this weekend unfortunately the saturday was cancelled for bad weather but we did get away on the sunday fishing was steady with plenty of species caught in all an exellent day.a couple of pics phil delaney with a nice tope of 33 lb.
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Fishing Report by Steve Andrews
on Supreme (Rhyl, Denbighshire)
Jun 2009 by Steve Andrews
Report on-board Supreme
we are now well into june and when the weather allows the fishing has been exellent plenty of large gurnard biggest one this week so far 4lb 11 oz.There are plenty of smoothhound showing these are being taken on crab or prawn the picture shows 4 that were all hooked at the same time part of a 21 haul caught in just over 1 hour all fish were returned to fight another day
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Fishing Report by Steve Andrews
on Supreme (Rhyl, Denbighshire)
1 Jun 2009 by Steve Andrews
Report on-board Supreme
now June is here the fishing has improved a great deal,with plenty of big mackeral,dabs,whiting,coddling,big tub , red and grey gurnard ,smoothhoumd both common and starry ,a few bass have also been caught check out the pics,thornback rays have started to show more being caught this year than in the previous 3 years ,there are a lot of big bullhuss being caught biggest so far 15lb 3oz,there have been a few small tope caught but nothing over 5lb but they wont be far away if the weather settles down again
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Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen
on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
Jun 2009 by Gethyn Owen
Report on-board My Way 2
As May drew to a close our attentions turned to the influx of quality sized smoothhounds on offer.
For what we lack in numbers aboard My Way (a normal day averaging 15) they certainly make up in size, with the catches to date averaging the 12lb mark, with the best fish landed topping the scales at 19lb. that said, 2 definite 20lb+ smoothies were dropped on the surface – too light hook lengths or simply me too slow with the net.
I argue the first case!
The smoothie fishing however has slowed down the last week with the change in the weather. Hopefully the NE east blow we are currently experiencing will help bring them back on the feed, that said, armed with hundreds of quality welsh fresh peeler, a smoothie assault is on the cards fairly soon.
Fishing has continued to be brisk, with additional to the smoothies, ballans plus plenty of cuckoo wrasse, huss, dabs, whiting, pollack etc and the wonderful north Wales Tiger Shark, aka the dogfish all in abundance to add to a trip.
Ray numbers are on the up however seeing boxes being landed at the marina yesterday may soon put paid to that, some people have no shame; never the less we’ll strive to put our guys on to the fish.
Fingers crossed for coming weeks and settled weather and great fishing for you all.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen
on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
10 May 2009 by Gethyn Owen
Report on-board My Way 2
As the season progresses the fishing is continuing to hot up nicely.
Pollack are still being caught on the inshore rock marks; with an average stamp of 3lb, we’ve had a few coalies thrown in but mainly on the small side. Mackerel are now inshore in relatively good numbers, which is in all honesty early for us. We usually see a good run of the mackerel appearing around the end of this month.
Another early starter is the number of tope around, not in the great numbers or sizes as is witnessed later on in the year, but averaging 25lb and up to half a dozen in a few hrs fishing has been a pleasant surprise to some of our fishing trips.
Smoothies and rays are showing slowly as the month continues, Mike Green from Hindley Hare and Hound SAC struck gold with an excellent Thornback ray of 16lb 2oz to take his clubs pool money on a recent trip.
Short and sweet for today, happy fishing allView Boats Page
Fishing Report by Jon Shaw
on Seekat C (Amlwch, Isle of Anglesey)
2 May 2009 by Jon Shaw
Report on-board Seekat C
Good weekend fishing top carrick was seven pounds with many around te three/ four mark also coalies codling and pouting to two pounds
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Fishing Report by Jon Shaw
on Seekat C (Amlwch, Isle of Anglesey)
2 May 2009 by Jon Shaw
Report on-board Seekat C
Fishing the wrecks this weekend was good Saturdays best was seven pound Carrick one of many and a good feed of coalies
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