Charter Boat: Merlin

Boat and Skipper Details
Merlin Sea Angling Operate x3 boats out of Rhyl Harbour (Merlin, Luna-Sea & Privateer) and we offer the very best for your sea fishing experience. We Offer 5hr, 8hr and 10hr General Fishing trips for recreational and sport fishing only. It is worth noting that we DO NOT offer Mackerel only fishing charters. Although we do fish for many species including Mackerel we do understand some anglers wish to take some fish home for their plates which is not a problem but we do not offer trips for filling buckets of Mackerel as we focus on the enjoyment of angling. When you book with Merlin Sea Angling you can rest assured you will have the most enjoyable day possible and our Skipper will go above and beyond to give you a day to remember.
Roger Daniels is the previous owner of Merlin and has returned to run Merlin once again from 2024 onwards. Roger grew up at Rhyl Harbour and has spent over 40yrs on boats. He has a vast knowledge of Angling and the local area after running Merlin previously for 22yrs. Roger is humorous and loves to chat with his anglers all day and is always there to give his expert advice and assistance during your day. you can rest assured you are in very experienced and safe hands when putting to sea with this highly experienced Skipper.
March 2025
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
N.B. Not all Skippers keep this dairy up-to-date. Always check with skippers before making any plans. Last calendar update: 15-Aug-2024 |
Sat 1st Mar |
Sun 2nd Mar |
Mon 3rd Mar |
Tue 4th Mar |
Wed 5th Mar |
Thu 6th Mar |
Fri 7th Mar |
Sat 8th Mar |
Sun 9th Mar |
Mon 10th Mar |
Tue 11th Mar |
Wed 12th Mar |
Thu 13th Mar |
Fri 14th Mar |
Sat 15th Mar |
Sun 16th Mar |
Mon 17th Mar |
Tue 18th Mar |
Wed 19th Mar |
Thu 20th Mar |
Fri 21st Mar |
Sat 22nd Mar |
Sun 23rd Mar |
Mon 24th Mar |
Tue 25th Mar |
Wed 26th Mar |
Thu 27th Mar |
Fri 28th Mar |
Sat 29th Mar |
Sun 30th Mar |
Mon 31st Mar |
Upcoming Individual Spaces on Merlin
Bait & Tackle
Rigs n Rods
Rhyl, Denbighshire, North Wales, Wales
Foxon's Tackle
St. Asaph, Denbighshire, North Wales, Wales
Crab n lug
Denbighshire, Denbighshire, North Wales, Wales
Geoffs Tackle & Bait
Rhyl, Denbighshire, North Wales, Wales
Catch Stats
- CBUK Catch Log: 10 Species have been caught onboard Merlin, including: Ballan Wrasse | Bass | Bull Huss | Cod | Lobster | Mackerel | Short-spined Sea Scorpion | Thornback Ray | Tope | Tub Gurnard
Latest Catches 11 photos uploaded
Latest Fishing Reports and News
Fishing Report by Robert Lee
29 May 2022 by Robert Lee
29 May 2022 by Rob Lee
After a whole week of bad weather we finally got out today for a 5hr and 8hr double shuffle.
As always after a spell on NW winds the fishing was a little slow inshore on the 5hr but managed plenty of Dogs, Whiting a few Mackerel, a Red & Grey Gurnard and a baby Tope.
The 8hr trip proved much more successful with plenty of Mackerel, Dabs, Whiting, Huss, Dogs and another Grey Gurnard. For the last 2hrs we head inshore for a go on the Tope and were rewarded with a lovely 36lb male just as we were about to head home.
*please note all Tope are handled with care and returned unharmed*
Our diary is now filling up and we only have limited availability. If you would like to book a trip, call Sarah on 07863774909 to arrange a trip before it's full. -
Fishing Report by Robert Lee
14 May 2023 by Robert Lee
Sunday 14th May 2023
Today was an 8hr Individual trip with lots of fish and banter.
We started inshore chasing shoals of Bass and plucking some great fish on every drift amongst the working birds.
Once we had our fill we head out to the windfarm where we drifted for bait fish before dropping the Anchor for Rays which kept all on board very busy with 20+ landed.
To end the day nicely we fished the last hour inshore for Smoothies before heading back to Rhyl.
A great mixture of fish with a total of 12 species landed which included Bass, Mackerel, Scad, Herring, Whiting, Dab, Dogfish, Tub Gurnard, Red Gurnard, Thornback Ray, Smooth-Hound and Bull Huss.
For Bookings, call Sarah on 07863774909������ -
Fishing Report by Robert Lee
31 May 2023 by Robert Lee
Wednesday 31st May 2023
Today we had a crew of 8 individuals on an 8hr trip.
We started with a few drifts inshore for Bass but to no avail so head out further in search for our fresh bait.
Once we had enough fresh bait we dropped anchor and fished for Rays which kept all on board very busy indeed and a total of 39 landed. One was very unusual as it had a major deformity possibly from a previous injury.
Once the tide eased off the Bull Huss were also coming out to play.
We finished our day off close inshore where a few Tope took the fresh Mackerel baits. The biggest of the day was a modest 21 lb but what a cracking fight that gave.
Species Caught Today: Mackerel, Herring, Poor Cod, Scad, Dogfish, Whiting, Thornback Ray, Bull Huss, Tope .
Call Sarah on 07863774909 to get booked on ������ -
Fishing Report by Robert Lee
29 Mar 2024 by Robert Lee
29 Mar 2024 by Rob Lee
*Fishing Report 29th March 2024*
Today saw the very 1st trip of the 2024 Rhyl Season for a 5hr Individuals sailing at 10:15.
We departed Rhyl and headed East to see what we could hook and the weather at the time was mild and calm.
Once we got on location we dropped the anchor, put the kettle on and dropped our baited lines down to see what we could summon.
Not long in the 1st Whiting came on board followed by a very early Smooth-Hound which is a promising site so early in the year.
As the fishing was quite steady we stayed at this spot in the hope we may get a few Bull Huss over the slack and even maybe a Ray or two.
As the tide eased right off we had our 1st Huss and the young chap was made up with seeing Starfish and Whelks clinging to the baits and passing on his extensive knowledge of them 'he knows his stuff' fare play to him.
As the tides started to pick up on the ebb we noticed a considerable change in the fishing and the catches were coming on more. By this time we had already had Whiting, Dab, Dogfish, Smooth-Hound, Bull Huss and soon the 1st Ray.
A 10min squally shower late on didn't damped our day and then a a decent Huss was hooked and as the net was grabbed it was lost at the surface.
Our 5hrs of fun was then shortly up and we head back to Rhyl Harbour.
Not a bad 1st trip of the season at all.