Maxime Couque Profile Page
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Name: Maxime Couque
Date Joined: 06/11/2008
Profile: (NONE)
Latest Catches Uploaded
Jean-Yves from cote d'armor 4 lb 7 oz Ballan Wrasse Leaca Rua (25-May-2010)
Steve Turner 14 lb Spurdog Leaca Rua (22-May-2010)
Gilles de Lanloup 12 lb Spurdog Leaca Rua (May-2009)
Latest Videos Uploaded
Galway Fishing. Thornback Ray fishin… 02-Aug-2010
Galway Fishing. Tope fishing with Ma… 10-Jul-2010
Galway Fishing, Spurdog Fishing with… 03-Jul-2010
Galway fishing, pollock fishing with… 16-May-2010