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  • 04/06/2011 Fishing Report by Peter Hughes on Discovery (Liverpool, Merseyside)

    4 Jun 2011 by Peter Hughes

    Report on-board Discovery

    Hello Gary, Sean and Daz. We sailed out of the marina at around 10 .30am on June 4th to stunning views of the straights in North Wales with the weather being idyllic. None of our party had ever done any form of sea fishing before and were all unsure of what to do. The two crew on board put us all instantly at ease with their confidence in their boat, tackle and local fishing knowledge to the point that we all just sat back and enjoyed the ride. Life just couldn't get any better until of course we hit the fishing grounds. The two crew had all the fishing rigs set up and within 5 mins we were all fishing and catching almost straight away. Sean and Darren's work didn't end there, they worked tirelessly to keep us going, sorting tangles, demonstrating hooking techniques and most importantly unhooking fish which at one point became ludicrously frequent with as many as four to five fish being landed at once. The lads didn't once lose patience with us novices at all, which didn't go unnoticed within our party and served to improve our experience further. After a couple of hours we moved fishing grounds, which to be honest served as a welcome break from the frantic start and a chance to get some grub down your neck before starting again. Even when travelling Sean's work didn't stop, serving up hot drinks whilst Darren sailed the boat. Once arriving at the new grounds, battle again commenced with a hive of activity from the now slightly less amateurish novices that had arrived in the morning. The banter amongst the lads grew and grew as larger and larger fish were pulled on board with a sweep stake up for grabs to the winner. This eventually climaxed when big Dave pulled in a 13 1/2lb 'bull huss' (I think that's what they called it lol still a novice...) which although at the time we all thought anyone could be beat, but it ended up serving to be the winner. By late in the day we considered ourselves to be more experienced than the shark catcher from Jaws, while the Daz and Sean eased off and let us unhook and bait ourselves only giving help when called upon, which again enhanced our experience. The final flourish came late on with some large thornbacks being pulled aboard and stories being swapped about the ones that got away and the winner that never was.
    Arriving back at the marina Gary was on hand dock side to make sure we had a great day and smiled knowingly at our stories of the Moby dick being landed. Back on dry land, battle hardened and punch drunk, we had all hoped for a monster tope but it weren't to be today but I can assure you we will be back to try again. Cracking day, cracking fishing, cracking boat and cracking lads, thanks for all you help and I'm sure we'll see you again soon as the talk is now of the cod season in the Mersey, they won't know what's hit them lol.
    Pete- Superman Pants. Cheers.

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