View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Kevin McKie
on Size Matters (Craobh Haven, Argyll & Bute)
Jun 2019 by Kevin McKie
Report on-board Size Matters
[This report was written when Size Matters was operating from Plymouth]
After a string of cancellations due to poor weather in Plymouth we managed to get our first Guernsey trip of the year on.
On the the way across the lads caught 70+ Pollack to 15lb, Ling to 10lb, Cod to 6lb and a single Coalfish.
Top rod on the way over was my old mate John Moore 76 from Liverpool, he caught a fish every drift and the biggest of the day.
The best part is he had not been fishing for over a year after having a sever stroke, but he has now made a full recovery and will be out with us a lot more from now on.
During our time in Guernsey we fished five different banks for Turbot and Brill, but sadly the fishing was very poor with just the odd small Turbot, Brill, Undulated Ray,
Red Gurnard and dreaded Dogfish to show for our efforts.
We did try for Bream for a few hours on one of the days catching them up to 2lb along with Tub Gurnard, Mackerel, Scad, Lance, Whiting, Pout, Poor Cod and Weaver,
On the way home the plan was to hit the same marks as on the way over but we knew the weather was closing in so we set off at 5.30am.
The fishing on the way home was ok at first catching Pollack to 13lb, but as the flood tide decreased and the SW wind increased the fishing went off, that’s Mother Nature for you!!
The weather is looking good for the next week so we will be out there every day doing our best for our anglers as alway.
Kevin Mckie
Size Matters (Plymouth)
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