View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Kevin McKie
on Size Matters (Craobh Haven, Argyll & Bute)
Jun 2019 by Kevin McKie
Report on-board Size Matters
[This report was written when Size Matters was operating from Plymouth]
We are just steaming back to Plymouth after our second Guernsey trip of the year.
Heartcliffe Sea Anglers had the annual Guernsey trip booked with us.
On the way over I give the lads the option to fish the banks, but with only small Turbot and Brill being caught the previous week they decided to stick to the wrecks.
The lads only managed three days on the wrecks due to the very strong eastly winds.
They caught some cracking Ling, Cod, Pollack and Coalfish.
As always there was a few surprises Andy Cottle caught a 2lb plus Cuckoo Wrasse and when Craig Dumbleton caught the first double figure Cod of the trip it spat out a live Yarrells Blenny.
The lads really enjoyed the trip and went home with plenty of prime fish for the table.
One thing we have noticed this year is the amount of Gurnards on the wrecks some days we are seeing 20 to 30 a day, they are becoming like Pouting only they taste much better.
The fishing from Plymouth has been very patchy on the wrecks, it’s been a case of when you fish some fish stay on them.
We have also done our first Blue Shark trip of the year, the biggest was just over 60lb but in the coming weeks the big ones will turn up and if it’s anything like last year we are in for some screaming reels.
On a sad note when steaming back to Plymouth we came across a very large trawl net just floating on the surface, it weighed a tonne and was over 40ft long.
Me and the lads remove the net from the sea, it’s sad that boats are dumping nets like this at sea, it’s not only a hazard to wildlife it’s also a shipping hazard, the last thing any skipper needs is a net wrapped around the propeller.
Kevin Mckie
Size Matters (Plymouth)
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