View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen
on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
10 Jun 2011 by Gethyn Owen
Report on-board My Way 2
Taken from the Editors Blog at
Well, what an amazing day Friday was! BFM photographer, Jim Midgley and myself hopped on board Gethyn Owen's Holyhead-based charter boat 'My Way' for a spot of smoothhound fishing. The weather was cracking, with just a light breeze blowing and the sun beating down. Little did we know what we were in for.
There were just thre three of us on board today, so we decided to fish two rods each. I was testing the new Daiwa Procaster X spinning rod, plus their Kenzaki Braid 12/20 rod. And boy did they get a proper testing!
It was action all the way, right from the word go. By lunchtime we'd managed to boat and release 20 smoothounds between us, including a 20lb 1oz beauty and others of 17lb and 15lb 11oz. The afternoon session was a bit quieter, but we did Gethyn proud by finishing the day with a tally of 28 smoothies and one thornback ray, which beat the long-standing record for the number of hounds caught on board 'My Way' in a single session by two fish.
I was fishing like a pro, and managed to boat 14 of the 28 hounds, plus the 10lb thornie, but it was Gethyn that took all the monster fish including the 20, an 18 and a 17-pounder. What an awesome day's sport. I'll be editing and uploading a load of video footage, plus a few tips from Gethyn by the end of the week, so make sure you check back to see the all the mayhem!
Posted by Dave Barham Boats Page