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  • 07/2019 Fishing Report by dominic wilson on Dawn Venture (Portpatrick, Dumfries & Galloway)

    Jul 2019 by dominic wilson

    Report on-board Dawn Venture

    This report covers the period 4/7/19- 21/7/19.....
    As per last year,we are now starting to rack up the cancelled bookings due to strong winds and the consequent rough seas...
    We are landing plenty of species when we find the clear water...the size and numbers of cod and haddock are increasing,whiting are plentiful(for flappers),mackerel, herring, launce, dab, grey & red &tub gurnard, spurs, huss, tope, pollack, pouting, coalfish, thornback ray and (finally!) common skate.
    The larger of the skate had 4 hooks in it....the guy who landed it,richard had 2 hooks in it(from the same day) and an unknown hook shows that they aren't put off feeding by being hooked and when feeding,they don't travel far away!
    4th july….huss to 14lb / spurs to 16.5lb
    5th july…..9 huss(16lb)
    6th july….3 huss (15lb)
    7th july …****JACKPOT DAY****….49 Spurs(all doubles) (best at 19.5lb/20/20.25/20.5/21/21lb) with 5 others lost and a 2x17lb spur hookup + 3 huss to 9lb
    9th july….7 spurs to 16.5lb
    14th july….2 common skate(171lb & 193lb) (8 hook-ups)
    15th july...1 huss at 19.5lb(best yet!)
    19th july...spurs to 16.5lb.small huss, thornback (4.5lb) 2 x 33lb tope

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