View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Kevin McKie
on Size Matters (Craobh Haven, Argyll & Bute)
Aug 2019 by Kevin McKie
Report on-board Size Matters
[This report was written when Size Matters was operating from Plymouth]
We managed to get out for a few days after nearly a week of bad weather.
We had a group of anglers on from South Wales and Bristol who fish with us each year, the plan was to go for Conger.
The water was like pea soup up to three miles out after all the bad weather and the mackerel where very hard to find, it took four hours to catch 50 pin mackerel, Pouting and Whiting for bait to put the anchor down.
When we got the anchor down the lads where straight into Conger after a few hours the lads started to run out of bait so I fished for Whiting and Pouting on baited feathers.
The lads done well considering the bait shortage, Conger to over 50lb, odd Ling and Cod.
The lads pulled the hook on some nice Conger and lossed a few in the wreck, but that’s Conger fishing.
Then I had a group of regulars on from Peterborough, they booked a four day Guernsey trip, but the with the weather forecast the only option was to fish from Plymouth for two days.
We decided to stick to the reefs and we got quite lucky considering the way the weather has been and we where fishing neap tides.
The lads caught plenty of Pollack to 8lb most where 4lb to 5lb, odd Bass to 5lb, odd Cod to 3lb and the first John Dory of the year.
The weather looks quiet bad now for a few days, let’s hope it settles down quickly so we can get back out and try and make a few dreams come true.
Kevin Mckie
Size Matters (Plymouth)
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