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  • 24/06/2011 Fishing Report by Gary Flint on Discovery (Liverpool, Merseyside)

    24 Jun 2011 by Gary Flint

    Report on-board Discovery

    Todays trip was a group of lads from WIRRAL PARTNERSHIP HOMES.
    We met at the marina at 6 am the forecast was for it to blow a touch in the morning and then drop of in the afternoon.We loaded the lads with there gear and gave them there safety brief on how to put there lifejackets on etc and how to use the toilet.We then departed on the WPH adventure. We had planned to tope fish first but when we got to our mark the wind was blowing a touch too strong to fish how we wanted , So a plan B was needed we then headed some 18 miles out to sea into deeper water.The skipper did reasure them that not to panic they would all catch fish today.we drifted a few marks which gave us Cod, ling, pollack, pouting gurnard e.t.c.
    Then we anchored another mark and added thornback rays to 10lb.bullhuss to 14lb.
    Gurnard 4lb 13 oz doggies etc giving a total species count today of 14 different types of fish. one of the lads lost a big eel early on in the day but thats there for another day overall a great day had by all

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