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Fishing Report by Gary Flint
on Discovery (Liverpool, Merseyside)
26 Jun 2011 by Gary Flint
Report on-board Discovery
26 June 2011
Todays trip was arranged by Daniel Porter from Benchmark. With a request to go wrecking instead of general bottom fishing due to the weather conditions being idyllic. We left the marina and headed out for our first wreck which was approx 38miles from the marina, 20miles northwest of Liverpool Bar. We arrived at the wreck and immediatly everyone was into pollack and pouting, but of no size. After a few more drifts, we caught more pollack and a few whiting, and a decent 3lb 8oz Tub Gurnard. We then moved off and fish 4 more wrecks across the bay. With Pollack to 9lb, Cod to 4lb 7 oz. Red,Tub and Grey gurnard, Weevers, Doggies, Whiting, Scad, Mackeral,Pouting and Ling to 6lb 8oz. After a round trip of over 90miles we arrived back in Liverpool , with a group of sunburnt lads and everyone happy with a view booking us for Winter Cod fishing. The lads even left us a few Cod, Pollack and Ling for supper.
Gary FlintView Boats Page