View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Kevin McKie
on Size Matters (Craobh Haven, Argyll & Bute)
25 Jan 2020 by Kevin McKie
Report on-board Size Matters
The fishing from Liverpool onboard Size Matters has been very surprising to say the least for this time of year.
One group wanted to give the off shore marks ago, I told them the fishing can be very poor out there at this time of year.
The lads where happy to gamble because we had such a good forecast.
The lads had none stop action for 3 hours catching 60 Pollack to 12lb 8oz and 3 Cod to 3lb on the drift.
Then we decided to put the anchor down but the fishing was very poor with just a few whiting and dogfish being caught.
On the way in we filleted all the fish as we always do and the Pollock where full of roe, this is the first time in 25 years I have seen Pollack in the Irish Sea with roe in side them, surely this could mean we now have a winter Pollack fishery in the Irish Sea.
Anyone who is booked onboard Size Matters from now till the end of February will be offered the opportunity to go offshore instead of fishing the Mersey if the weather allows.
Fishing in the Mersey is getting much better, averaging 25 to 30 cod per trip, most are 2lb to 4lb but we have had a few better ones to 8lb 4oz.
Our best day in the Mersey we landed 39 Cod along with Rays, Flounder, Whiting, Dab and Rockling.
12 year old Danny was top rod fishing with his grandad for the first time on the Mersey, they landed 17 Cod between them, keeping just the ones that where deep hooked and letting the rest go.
It’s been good to see a lot of first time anglers onboard lately catching there first ever fish and enjoying the sport.
Kevin Mckie
Size Matters (Liverpool).
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