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  • 09/08/2020 Fishing Report by Malcolm Collins on Just Mary (Christchurch, Dorset)

    9 Aug 2020 by Malcolm Collins

    Report on-board Just Mary

    Hi All, it's been a frustrating Spring and Summer so far, with Covid 19 and the inability to work, the lack of real guidance and information from any of the Authorities that we deal with and an unusually unseasonal windy few months. In May having consulted my Surveyor I was one of the first Skippers to resume work after Boris said we could all go back Fishing and Boating. I started back with just two Anglers on board the huge deck area on 'Just Mary'. In June I spoke to my Surveyor again and stepped it up to just four Anglers on 'Just Mary', in July we moved to six Anglers and that looks to be our maximum for this year of 2020. I have encouraged Anglers to come as 'buddy pairs' or as a group of close family, close friends, close work colleagues when booking 'Just Mary' for a day's Angling. It has worked but often to the detriment of the financial situation of the Business. This year of 2020 will be a 'write off' for many Angling Charter Boat Skippers and I can see plenty of casualties in our Industry. However we go on, finding fish for Anglers and Hire rod participants alike because that is what we do on every trip aboard 'Just Mary' from Christchurch. It is frustrating for me and for the Anglers when the windy weather just adds to our current problems under Covid 19 and trips are cancelled for safety reasons. My boat will take any amount of bad weather with just me onboard and believe me she has proven herself time and time again but I would never intentionally put my passengers in any danger or take a risk, it is never worth it. So we pick our days, we catch decent fish and after almost twenty years we carry on doing what we do best, we go fishing ! Ta Malc and 'Just Mary' from Christchurch in Dorset.

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