View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Rob Lee
on Luna-Sea (Merlin) (Rhyl, Denbighshire)
Dec 2020 by Rob Lee
Report on-board Luna-Sea (Merlin)
***Fishing Report 11th December 2020***
Merlin set sail @ 09.30 today for a wreck session.
We head out 11nm to a wreck of a steam coaster ship and fished a steady few hours sweeping the whole wreck.
There were a good few Pollack, Pouting Whiting and Gurnard caught and a PB Pollack for one of our Anglers.
After 4hrs on one wreck we steamed 4nm west to our next wreck for hlf hr where we had more pollack before heading back to Rhyl harbour in the dark with amazing light trails through the water.
The weather today was flat calm, beautiful rainbows and a lovely still passage through Gwynt y Mor windfarm.
Everyone on board were happy with their catch and a good few meals.
Most of the fish were returned to fight another day which is good to see.
We still have availability throughout December so please call Sarah on 07863774909 for bookings.View Boats Page