View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by joe smith
on Razorbill 3 (West Mersea, Essex)
27 Aug 2011 by joe smith
Report on-board Razorbill 3
27th august 2011
had a great day fishing to day, we left mersea about 7:10 in the morning a we steamed out for about an hour, trying to get to a mark about 20 miles out of mersea, as we go a little way out the sea became a little bit lumpy so we could not get to the mark the skipper wanted to. so we went to another mark which was just on the side of a sand bank. at first as the tide started runing we were only getting doggys but after about half hour we started to getsome little tope and smoothhound pups and a couple of whiting and i had a 6lb male thornback.then the tide slakened off and the boat was swinging around and we did not get much. but when the tide picked up again we had 2 bass about 3/4lb some more whiting and little tope and we started getting some nice smoothhounds, then it went quiet agian for some unknown reason and on the last cast of the day i had a 16lb smoothhound :) what a fish and a great day fishing , in the end we had 30 dogs 5 whiting 5 small tope 2 nice bass and about 10 smoothhounds at all different sizes and 1 thornback
thanks stuart and daveView Boats Page