View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Andy Savage
on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
3 Sep 2021 by Andy Savage
Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl
Finally….got a day back out at sea, after a weeks lay off with rubbish weather.
Thankfully the Mackerel hadn’t gone too far away, so we got plenty for bait, and then with the water inside looking a bit murky, we had a go on the 5 mile ground to start.
During the Ebb tide the fishing was, quite frankly; terrible for us, with nothing at all coming aboard.
As slack water approached we moved to a wreck and literally bang on slack we had two decent Ling on at the same time. Ian Kellock picked up an 11lb fish which was the biggest of the duo. Thankfully, as the flood tide got away, we picked away for a few hours with the Ling providing some welcome sport.
The Codling were elusive for us today. We had a group of anglers on today of mixed abilities, but they all took away a fry in the end. It was hard work, but spent in good companyView Boats Page
Mon 03/03/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.59m Joe Clough - x 4View details Wed 05/03/2025 6 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.14m Will sail with 4 anglers. Steve Milnes - x 1 Chris Chatham - x 1View details Thu 06/03/2025 3 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.83m Stan Matthews - x 1 David Craine - x 2 Howard Thornton - x 1 Ian Rigby - x 1View details Tue 11/03/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.78m Dave & Del - x 1 Neil Kennedy - x 1 Aaron & Stephen - x 2View details Sun 16/03/2025 2 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.25m Chris Ibbotson - x 1 Dave Johnson - x 5View details Thu 20/03/2025 6 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.81m Will sail with 4 anglers. Stan Matthews - x 1 Ian Purdom - x 1View details Fri 21/03/2025 1 Space Available Wrecking Trip - 4.60m Pete Durrant - x 2 Shane Ingram - x 1 Paul Carroll - x 6View details Mon 24/03/2025 4 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.14m Tony Martin - x 2 Robin Lever - x 3 John Powell - x 1View details Tue 25/03/2025 6 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.26m Charlie Hewitt - x 1 Tony Martin - x 2 John Powell - x 1View details Thu 27/03/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.00m Will sail with 4 anglers. Joe Clough - x 1View details