View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Andy Savage
on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
25 Sep 2021 by Andy Savage
Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl
We’ve had some rubbish tides and weather recently, so Saturday was our only day out last week. We had a great group of anglers on board, so a run off to a couple of wrecks around 20 miles out was in order.
The first wreck we visited has a reputation for throwing up quality, not quantity; so arriving 30 minutes before slack water, we optimistically hoped a bigger fish would poke its head out of the wreck. After 90 minutes torturing it, with around twenty Ling and Cod to show for our efforts (and alot of lost gear) we moved on.
The next wreck was much more cooperative, with 3-5 fish a drift. It turned into a bit of a species hunt as we landed Ling, Cod, Pollock, Coalie’s, Whiting and Pouting. With Cod to 8lb 8oz and Ling to 9lb it was a nice steady day.
Top rod of the day went to Jan Hill, who had bites almost every single drift (if she didn’t catch the wreck!!); including a double up of Cod and Coalie’s. Black Hokkai’s baited with fresh Mackerel did the most bites for Jan, although the muppet bait traces still took their fair share.
It was a fantastic day out, but the weather window was short lived, as the next few days look terrible again. Hopefully the weather geezers have got it wrong… wouldn’t be the first time, would it!!View Boats Page
Mon 03/03/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.59m Joe Clough - x 4View details Wed 05/03/2025 6 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.14m Will sail with 4 anglers. Steve Milnes - x 1 Chris Chatham - x 1View details Thu 06/03/2025 3 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.83m Stan Matthews - x 1 David Craine - x 2 Howard Thornton - x 1 Ian Rigby - x 1View details Tue 11/03/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.78m Dave & Del - x 1 Neil Kennedy - x 1 Aaron & Stephen - x 2View details Sun 16/03/2025 2 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.25m Chris Ibbotson - x 1 Dave Johnson - x 5View details Thu 20/03/2025 6 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.81m Will sail with 4 anglers. Stan Matthews - x 1 Ian Purdom - x 1View details Fri 21/03/2025 1 Space Available Wrecking Trip - 4.60m Pete Durrant - x 2 Shane Ingram - x 1 Paul Carroll - x 6View details Mon 24/03/2025 4 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.14m Tony Martin - x 2 Robin Lever - x 3 John Powell - x 1View details Tue 25/03/2025 6 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.26m Charlie Hewitt - x 1 Tony Martin - x 2 John Powell - x 1View details Thu 27/03/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.00m Will sail with 4 anglers. Joe Clough - x 1View details