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Fishing Report by brian poppy
on Cleveland Princess (Lowestoft, Suffolk)
2 Oct 2021 by brian poppy
Report on-board Cleveland Princess
Hello all a lot of changes in the last few weeks hence the lack of reports ive sold Cleveland Princess and bought a Cougar Cat (Indiana) i have coded the boat cat2 upto 60mile with a maximum of 10 persons on board we have been doing some interesting trips since the coding and getting used to the handling of the new boat with inshore trips giving us some lovely big Whiting that have now started to show with some good sized Rooker as a bonus last Tuesday we boated 5 all around the 5--6lb mark still a few Hounds showing as well these fish all came from two different areas The Newcomb Bank and off Corton Roads,we have also started to do distance trips first one Tuesday 21st September was running 30 miles south to The Enterprise Bank drift fishing for Bass what a fantastic day we boated over 20 fish between 5 all fish were returned bar 10 best coming in at 8lb but the rest coming in at a respectable 4lb---7lb we also had a go on the Iner Gabbard wind farm as the tide started to ebb a few Bass were caught in there were schooly fish we will be doing these type of trips now as well as wreck fishing and are now taking bookings for to start early spring next year Bass Trips and wreck trips abit later as the water clears call or text 07771926590 for more details also through this winter we will be concentrating on hopefully COD plus any thing else that comes along,hope you are enjoying your fishing and look forward to seeing what this winter produces,Brian.
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