View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Gary Flint
on Discovery (Liverpool, Merseyside)
Sep 2011 by Gary Flint
Report on-board Discovery
24/09/11 top of the trent club
We left the marina at 9.0am the forecast was not to good but the lads wanted a shot at one of the wrecks for conger,i explained that it would be lumpy and we might be better in the river ,the lads had a vote and readied there wrecking rigs.When we had reached the Bar Racon i explained that we would not be able to go the distance we had wanted to so we picked a couple of nearer marks placing us only 20 miles from the marina,We started the 1st drift with everybody ready but the boat was was rocking a bit to much for some who immediately fell ill,darren caught a pollack about 4lb some smaall guarnard where picked up plus a poor cod.we had another couple of drifts and decided that the wind was becoming stronger it was now 22 kts SW.So we picked another wreck nearer home and heade for that when we got there we decided to fish for mackerel,we caught 6 and headed back into the river with the plan to fish for thornback rays.we eventually dropped anchor in the river 1 hr before slack water and bagged thorn back rays, whiting dabs dogfish etc every body caught fish even though we had wind recorded at 28ktsView Boats Page