View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Geoff Sharp
on Sweet William (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
3 Jun 2023 by Geoff Sharp
Report on-board Sweet William
Massive thanks to the lads for travelling up from Bradford today; we headed out to almost no wind, sunshine and a substantial residual north easterly groundswell which steadily eased throughout the day. The vast majority of the guys had never been fishing before, and they dealt with the swell admirably.
The instruction for today was to find the mackerel, and the first stop off was the first day of the season where we found huge shoals and pretty much non stop full strings. They were mostly a cracking stamp, mixed in with some good sized coalies, pouting, haddock and smaller codling.
We stuck it out until the lads all had all a sufficient supply of mackerel for the freezer, and decided to try and find them some codling.
We never strayed much more than five or six miles from the Tyne piers, and decided to try heading south on the wrecks for pretty much the first time this year.
It was just one of those days; no matter where we went, which baits or tackle we tried, the Codling just kept coming up; you could have used a handline, safety pin and limpets! It definitely made a change from the past four months hard grind.
Once the guys were pretty much fished out on the wrecks, we opted for a leisurely drift on the inner grounds, which also produced plenty of smaller stamp codling, but not a mackerel in sight.
Cracking day out, almost perfect weather, great company and non stop fishing!View Boats Page