View Fishing Report

  • 21/07/2023 Fishing Report by Nigel Hodge on Seawatch 1 (Falmouth, Cornwall)

    21 Jul 2023 by Nigel Hodge

    Report on-board Seawatch 1

    As we head towards the start of the Bluefin Tuna season I am pleased to have spotted our first Bluefin yesterday here at Falmouth Bay.
    One large individual smashing through bait, and only visible for a short period.

    With the CHART program now well established, the 3rd season has seen very few changes other than budget restrictions from DEFRA which in turn has resulted in
    reduced training and only the existing vessels being able to participate in the 2023 fishery.

    This I am sure was a blow to those vessels wishing to get onboard, and will only add to the all ready growing groups of unlicensed vessels who are eager to hook into these amazing fish.

    For those of you that are looking to venture out this year unlicensed I would ask you to consider the following before committing, I need to repeat " Consider" as I don't want my ear chewed off by the keyboard warriors that simply insist on non compliance regardless after half a shandy.

    1 Fish welfare, if your going to return it safe and well learn about the fish first, everything you need to know is on line, bother to read it !
    2 Gear Up - Go big if you can afford it ( We've all been caught with our pants down )
    3 Have a game plan
    4. Have a crew and practise the drill ( It can get Ugly )
    5. Use end tackle that's built for the job ( Home made shit will break )
    6. Expect the unexpected ( Each fish writes its own story )
    7. Before you lob one in your van to feed your village consider, temperature control, correct bleeding, parasites and mercury levels to name a few, all of which will give you the shits or at worse kill you !

    Alternatively book on one of the 25 Uk CHART vessels and enjoy a days fishing and a massive learning curve, we are all still learning about these amazing animals so come and join us on the journey.

    All of the above is not a confession in anyway of a promotion to an illegal fishery, however those of you reading this will acknowledge knowing a few chumps that get it wrong every time so lets hope we can
    uniform the fishery together and that the teams working hard with DEFRA to obtain an open fishery for all can make it happen without too much bad press from illegal fishery in the interim.


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