View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Nick Gough
on Skylark (Scarborough, North Yorkshire)
31 Aug 2024 by Nick Gough
Report on-board Skylark
Some of the better fish from today's trips
We started the day running out to the inshore wrecks with the plan to keep running offshore.
First wreck fishing was steady with strappy ling coming up with the occasional better ling round 11 to 12lb mark we tried several other wrecks while running offshore this seemed to be what all the wrecks produced today nothing really much bigger. We did find more cod today than yesterday but they were around the 2 to 4lb area so we didn't take photos.
Heaviest fish today was a ling weighing 14lb 2oz caught by Jamie who had been fishing with us on Wednesday and really struggled to get a decent fish.
As well as the ling and cod the anglers also caught whiting, pouting, a red gurnard and a few mackerel.
The 3 hour trip we ran inshore as the sea had picked up a bit and from the start the anglers got strait into the mackerel after a few drift they managed to find a few nice Pollock around the 4 to 5lb area and a codling and coalfish
Everybody caught something to take awayView Boats Page