View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Ray Martin
on PLAN B (Southend-On-Sea, Essex)
24 Mar 2012 by Ray Martin
Report on-board PLAN B
Saturday was due to be a flat calm day with glorious sunshine.. shame the fog came down so thick that we did not see anything until late afternoon... Fishing was patchy and we finally got among the skate right at the end of the day. This did however improve my chances for Sunday as I knew exactly where the fish were.. Sunday.. the fog had lifted but the wind was over tide and this made the first couple of hours fishing tricky. However after a really good take which resulted in a snap off we knew the skate were in attendance. A short while later we started to get them and finished up with most anglers managing 2 each. I hooked one up and the reel handle snapped so I unselfishly let one of the anglers take over.. 15 minutes later he managed to get it in..
Not sure how many we ended up with, all the females went back plus a couple of smaller ones.. ended up a lovely days fishing .. cannot wait to get back out.View Boats Page