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  • 05/2009 Fishing Report by Colin Baker on Sally Ann Jo (Weymouth, Dorset)

    May 2009 by Colin Baker

    Report on-board Sally Ann Jo

    Yesterday, 30th May, saw the best bream to the boat this year, a fish of 4lb 10oz to Lionel from Holland. It was his first bream, caught on his first drop of the day, before most others had tackled up! That’s the way to start, but difficult to repeat. The rest of the lads did their best to beat him and though they had fish all day and a number of double hits of bream up to 3lb couldn’t do so. The month has been good with a variety of species including tope, smoothounds, pollack, cod, some huge garfish, bass, even topknots and cuttlefish to mention a few. The weekend just gone saw mackerel around in reasonable numbers and a good showing of joeys amongst them so next month should see bass over the wrecks and reefs to livebaits. Looking forward to next month with more good bream, bass, tope and hounds inshore and for those wanting to travel cod, pollack and bass on the drift and conger etc at anchor on the wrecks.

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