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Fishing Report by Nigel Conlon
on Supreme (Rhyl, Denbighshire)
24 Aug 2012 by Nigel Conlon
Report on-board Supreme
Hi, to all those needing a fish catching fix, I know I was!
What was better than improving the odds and getting out on a top class charter with a great skipper and a good bunch of lads?
Was out yesterday with Steve on Supreme from Rhyl, the weather held and the forecasted rain and wind held off until later in the day. The mackerel were still there just under the surface, theses were small - just bigger than joey size but would again prove to be great bait and good eating.
First anchor at the wind farm provided loads of Whiting (getting bigger), usual Doggies, Dabs, Tub gurnards of mixed sizes to 2.5 lbs and Huss. A couple of weeks ago we even had a Turbot here-hadn't even seen one let alone caught one for many years, would be great if they made a come back.
We had a move to slightly rougher, deeper ground after the slack water and the fishing got even better with bigger Huss some near double figures, Dogs, a nice Codling-Eric please note!!!!, Ray and lots of quality Gurnards both Tubs and Red, and the water was thick with Mackerel and Whiting.
Best catches of the day was the Hot Pasties with the sausage barms and mugs of hot Tea close seconds.
Oh well back to shore fishing for a little while, but will be looking to get out again soon for my next fix.
Tight Lines and thanks for yet another great trip, if this keeps on I think I may give up shore fishing! NigelView Boats Page