View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
1 Oct 2012 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
SEPTEMBER 2012 - during September the flatty fishing cointinued to be good along with lots of other species ie Bream,Cod,Rays,Bull Huss etc.53 different species have been caught on Flamer IV this year with the latest two being a Cuckoo Ray which was a Flamer first and a John Dory. Flamer Fish of the Month for September was awarded to John Pattan for his 7Ib 8oz Plaice(pictured) which he returned alive.
A variety of trips are on offere during the Autumn and early Winter months so Don't Miss Out - Book your Place/s and Trip/s.2013 - I am Now Taking Bookings.
INDIVIDUALS - I do lots of dates/trips for individuals, so check out my schedule page.
Thanks for your support and I look forward to hearing froim you and seeing you soon.View Boats Page