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Fishing Report by Peter Everett
on Amino (Shotley, Suffolk)
10 Apr 2013 by Peter Everett
Report on-board Amino
After however many weeks of RUBBISH weather, we finally got out today!!!!
Although the fishing was still pretty poor with water temperatures still very low and plenty of Herring and Sprat showing on the fishfinder we found a couple of quality cod, the best being 8.5lb for Dickie (pictured) along with one for the skipper at a shade over 8lb plus a few Whiting but nothing to set the world alight unfortunately.
The next few weeks should see things start to improve and a few Thornbacks are now starting to show so the end of April and May should see a return to 'normal' spring fishing conditions and water quality/temperatures and a greater number of Cod feeding on the bottom, hopefully of the same stamp that we have seen so far this winter.View Boats Page