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Fishing Report by Malcolm Collins
on Just Mary (Christchurch, Dorset)
24 Apr 2013 by Malcolm Collins
Report on-board Just Mary
Hi All, well I'm back and to celebrate that, we are giving you the NO FISH- NO FEE promise, put simply, if you fish the way that we show you using our rigs and bait you WILL catch fish, of that we are confident !
Whilst we all await the 'magic' ten degrees C that triggers the feeding and the arrival of our glorious Black Bream the month of May gets closer and closer. Reports of Turbot and Plaice to the West have been made with some good photos on the 'net but with the coming season interrupted by unwelcome Easterly winds and rain. Further offshore there seem to be a few Spurdog (nice to see them making a comeback) and Blonde Rays but once again the weather conditions have interrupted any consistent reports. So..........we await the Black Bream !
My Commercial mates tell me that they are netting 'Summer Species' ie. Bream, Bass, Sole and Plaice so although the water is cold and the fish aren't taking baits properly yet, it all looks good for the Inshore Fishing soon. Bring on May and we'll be out there after them............thanks to one and all, MalcView Boats Page