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  • 30/04/2013 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    30 Apr 2013 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    FLAMER IV NEWS - During April the Plaice catches gradualy improved as the weather got better and the water clarity also got better.The biggest Plaice caught on Flamer IV was a six pounder landed by Mark Towner(pictured) which also won him Flamer IV Fish of the Month for April.The Turbot fishing was patchy which I put down to the well below water temperature for the time of year. The best Turbot of thge month was a 13Ib fish caught by Richard Christian. Two Flatty Competitions were done againsat other boats with the Flamewr IV Teams losing one and winning one.The inshore Reef/Bank fishing produced some excellent Spurdogs up to 18Ib and Blonde Rays up to 25Ib . Other species caught were Thornback,Undulate and Spoitted Rays.Smooth Hounds,Conger,Bull Huss etc.The wrecking produced Pollack and Ling.
    During May we can expect the Cod to arrive on the wrecks and Summer species like Black Bream,Tope,Mackerel etc to show up.I am sure the flatty fishing will continue to be good.
    On May 20th I am doing a 5 day West Country Trip and there is one place available for anyone that would like to join a group of individuals for this fishing/social trip.INTERESTED ? then contact me for details.

    THANKS for all your support and I hope to see you on Flamer IV soon.

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