View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Bob Marshall
on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)
7 May 2013 by Bob Marshall
Report on-board Duke IV
At last the water is slowly warming enough for the crabs to peel and the summer species are starting to show, with good numbers of Skate on the banks and the first Smoothounds being landed.
We made another visit to the wrecks with Andys crew from Kent who saw plenty of quality Cod being landed on the old favourites jellies and shads. No Pollack on this trip though, perhaps another species under pressure from commercial overfishing.
A stop on the banks on the way home saw a reasonable catch of Mackerel to feathers and hokkies, again these fish are not in the numbers we used to catch nor are they as large, hopefully the shoals will build with the jumbo Mackerel being the most superb eating fish around.
The Bass are keeping a low profile so far but they should arrive anytime now with plenty of sandeels on the banks, the crabs peeling and the last of the Whiting still here, there's a feast of food waiting for them. Still some weekend dates available to book Duke IV so give me a call and come along for a great fishing experience.
Pic shows Andys crew with some of tuesdays Cod catch.
Tight lines BobView Boats Page