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  • 08/06/2013 Fishing Report by Brian Shone on Lady Helen (Liverpool, Merseyside)

    8 Jun 2013 by Brian Shone

    Report on-board Lady Helen

    Sailed from the Marina at 12.10pm with a party of local lads , headed out to the marks and stopped of on an inshore mark looking for smoothies, had a few to about 41/2 lb, along with the resident fllatties, whititng, plaice, weavers and doggies, went a bit quiet so moved of to a mark further offshore the fishing was about the same but more doggies so had another move onto a plaice mark, had about 10 or so nice ones, and loads of big dabs and some keeper whitting, and a couple of smoothies but best of all the first mackerel of the season only a couple but nice to see them at last, final move to the first mark to pick up the flood had had much the same fishing but a couple of small tope showed up to finnish off the day. Returned to the Marina at 22.10pm

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