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  • 15/08/2013 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    15 Aug 2013 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    The inshore Skate fishing remains good with some large female fish around, with fresh Mackerel the bait of choice. The weather has been generally good allowing us offshore although the inshore fishing has been better with plenty of Smoothounds when crab bait is available, they will also take squid or cuttle bait.
    Bass fishing is improving with the big girls following the mackerel shoals, now is the time to fish the big mackerel baits, battle through the Doggies to land the fish of a lifetime.
    Last weeks individuals trip turned up some fine fish with Lee landing 4 good Hounds to 8lb along with a nice Tub Gurnard on crab bait while Jamie's group landed 5 Skate to 9lbs on mackerel strips.
    The offshore wreckfishing is slowing with just a few Cod & Pollack, maybe the unusually warm water is getting too much for the coldwater loving Cod. A visit offshore yesterday showed improvement with Richards group landing a good haul of Cod & Pollack to double figures on jellyworms and shads along with Jumbo Mackerel on the banks. The best of the Pollack being a shade under ll lb. The water will soon cool and a fresh run of Cod should arrive for the autumn wreck fishing as they move inshore for the winter.
    Weekday and some weekend dates still available for groups and individuals so give me a call and come fishing off Ramsgate before this glorious summer ends.

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