View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Kevin McKie
on Size Matters (Craobh Haven, Argyll & Bute)
Aug 2013 by Kevin McKie
Report on-board Size Matters
August 2013
Species caught: Dab, Dogfish, Gurnard (Red, Tub & Gray), Huss, Mackerel, Poor Cod, Pouting, Sprat, Thornback Ray, Weaver and Whiting.
August was a slow month for Brigand due to Kev being on Holiday for the first two weeks, fishing for big Tuna in Canada. The weather also played a part, with the Mackerel being spread out in small shoals making them hard to find. Though once located, they were a decent size of 1lb to 2lb.
From August through to early October is a good time to catch big lone Tope but not many people fish for them. Lets hope the weather settles for September so we can get out for the last of the summer fishing.
Notable Charters:
On the 27th we hooked into a big fish, had it on for 5 minutes and could not stop it before it bit through 150lb mono. It would have to be a very big Tope to have done that, or it could have been a Porbeagle Shark. A similar thing happened to Kev last September, which suggests there are some very big fish out there this time of year but we won’t know what until we land one. From now on we will be using wire traces which will give us a better chance of landing one.
On the 28th, 7 members of Bold Sea Angling Club booked a charter and caught 18 Bullhuss up to 11lb and a Thornback Ray of 9lb. Also caught were Tub Gurnard, Dabs, Whiting, Mackerel and Dogfish.
All fish caught were returned to the water alive.View Boats Page