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  • 13/09/2013 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    13 Sep 2013 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Autumn is definately here now, the Whiting are arriving in numbers, these fish are being followed by the large Bass as proved today by Hienric & crew over from Belgium on a fishing holiday aboard Duke IV.
    Along with the Bass a good catch of Skate and Whiting kept the guys minds off the damp weather.
    A run of Skate is the norm at this time of year, these fish are very welcome along with the winter Cod that should arrive inshore early next month.
    Hienric landed todays Bass on a daisy chain of mackerel chunks with the fish taking a squid on the last hook. Shows its always worth trying something different, smiles all round when the Bass rolled into the net after a good scrap.
    We have been landing the most superb Mackerel off Deal lately, these fish are feeding on sandeels, so prevelant at the moment. Great sport for the youngsters and the finest eating fish around.
    The bait requirements for the day become easier in winter with Lug & squid for the Cod & Whiting and herring for the Skate. Cuttle can also prove useful for the better Cod, this bait is not the favourite food for the doggies so more likely to be there when the Cod turn up.
    Still space available on Duke IV for groups or indivduals.
    Tight lines all, Bob.

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