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Fishing Report by Jon Himpfen
on Misty Blue (Eastbourne, East Sussex)
Oct 2013 by Jon Himpfen
Report on-board Misty Blue
As we look back at October we feel quite please with the results, we have seen quite as selection of species, a good selection of Turbot ,Bass ,Mackerel, Black Bream, Bass, Brill, Blonde Ray, Thorne Back Skate, Gurnard and Pollack.
As Summer now merges into Autumn we look forward to the return of the cod and codling , and a greater number of Pollack to the wrecks ,inshore there are will still a good number of fish to be had. Codling, Bass Whiting, Bream and Plaice, there have been several good size Plaice caught up to 7lbs
Misty Blue will be offering regular fishing trips through out the winter months, so why not join us for a fun days fishingView Boats Page