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Fishing Report by Simon Fisher
on Becca Marie (Brixham, Devon)
9 Apr 2014 by Simon Fisher
Report on-board Becca Marie
With the Wreck Fishing starting to improve, we ventured out feeling optimistic..... Fishing in the morning was steady with plenty of nice whiting coming onboard on lures and bait aswell as the first mackerel of year for us, as the ebb tide slacked we travelled out into deeper water in search of Ling, first few drifts saw some nice Pollock coming up, then as the tide began to slack the first hefty fish took a fillet of mackerel, sadley it was lost half way up but the next drift saw two ling at 24lb 6oz and 15lb 4oz gaffed. It continued to fish well until it was time to head in seeing more Ling coming up and Pollock....Roll on the next one
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